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The Ultimate Guide to the Best E-Learning Authoring Tool in 2024

In the 2020s, a significant portion of education has permanently transitioned online, and your educational company or institution must adapt accordingly. Creating engaging and effective online courses requires the right tools, including seamless integration with learning management systems, multimedia capabilities, and essential features like a versatile book maker .

Learing online elearning software

This guide will walk you through the process of selecting the perfect authoring tool for your needs. We’ll start by discussing the key features you need to consider to create engaging and effective e-learning courses that will keep your learners motivated and eager to return to class!

Essential Features of E-Learning Authoring Tools

Authoring tools are all sorts of tools we use to create content, from MS Word to Adobe Photoshop. When you’re creating engaging learning experiences, what you need is an eLearning authoring tool – a program that will help you design eLearning courses.

If, like me, you’ve been using MS Word to create games and puzzles for your students, you’ll understand the need for more complex tools to create educational content , like the ones we mention below, from Publuu to Elucidat.

E-learning authoring tools are not just word processors. They offer several features that streamline the course creation process, making it faster, easier, and more efficient. Here are just some of the features eLearning authoring software can bring to your company or department:

  • Rich resource libraries : Authoring tools are more than just editors. A software package can come with access to ready-made templates, graphic elements, multimedia, and other resources that make it easy to create professional-looking courses.

  • Intuitive interfaces: The days of typing content are over. Drag-and-drop functionality and simple editing tools make course creation easy even for novice users.

  • Interactive capabilities: Using computers in eLearning means that you can’t be limited to the boring text. The best eLearning authoring tools should use interactive elements such as quizzes, simulation games, and surveys.

  • Compatibility with software systems: Provide easy integration with existing Learning Management Systems like an electronic journal or report and track student progress. You can predict

  • Grading and reporting features: Authoring tools should have the capabilities to improve. You can easily get valuable feedback on course effectiveness with built-in analytics tools.

e-learning tool opened on laptop

Choosing the right authoring tool is critical to the success of your e-learning courses. When making your decision, consider a number of factors, such as:

  • Functionality : The number of available features and capabilities that the tool gives you.

  • Ease of use: Ease of use and ease of access. Is it easy to create a course and use it?

  • Price: What is your budget? Does the tool offer free features?

  • Support: What level of support do you need?

  • LMS integration: Does the tool integrate with your existing LMS? Is it easy to import external content here?

User Experience and Interface Design

In addition to functionality and integration with LMS systems, User Experience (UX) also plays an important role when choosing an authoring tool. UX is not just a matter of aesthetics and whether you like the interface. It’s about creating a tool that is easy to use, intuitive, and tailored to users’ needs. There are many benefits to using an eLearning authoring tool with great user experience.

1. Increased productivity

An authoring tool with an intuitive interface and user-centered features allows course developers to complete their tasks faster. You will end up spending less time struggling with the tool and you’ll be able to focus.

2. Better course quality

A well-designed authoring tool makes it easier to create courses with clear structure, consistent presentation, and interactions. This, in turn, translates into higher course quality and a better experience for students.

3. Increased student engagement

An intuitive and easy-to-use authoring tool allows you to create more engaging and interactive content. Students are more likely to participate in a course that is fun to use and offers them a variety of ways to interact with the material.

4. Accessibility and user-friendliness

A well-designed authoring tool should be user-friendly for users of different skill levels and abilities. An intuitive interface and clear instructions make the tool easy to use even for novice course developers. Accessibility should also not be overlooked, since you want your training materials to be available to all sorts of students!

5. Responsiveness

The best eLearning authoring tool should allow you to create content on smartphones, tablets, or laptops and design courses that work on such devices. The authoring tool should also be integrated with the mobile app to allow you to check your content in any situation.

E-learning icons tools

Collaboration and Efficiency

Many of our users are experienced course developers, but great skills are not enough. Content creation often requires the collaboration of many people: you may be a great methodologist or teacher but you’ll still need a content editor, designers, reviewers, and other assistants. A good authoring tool allows seamless collaboration and exchange of ideas between all parties involved.

Users can work on different parts of the course at the same time, which reduces the time it takes to complete it. Cooperating with instructional designers and experts makes it easy to design your eLearning content in a matter of hours! A good quality cloud-based authoring tool should have the following features:

  • Collaboration features: Does the tool offer all the features necessary for effective collaboration, such as real-time editing, chat, comments and change tracking?

  • Ease of use: Is the tool easy to use for all users, regardless of their level of technical experience? Especially if you work with various specialists, you want them to quickly master the e-learning software they need to use.

  • Accessibility : Is the tool accessible from anywhere and on any device? The users might need to use it in various circumstances.

  • Security: Does the tool provide adequate security for confidential course data?

Integration with the Learning Management system (LMS)

Learning management systems (LMS) play a key role in modern e-learning. These are the educational equivalent of CMS – Content Management Systems. These systems that allow you to distribute courses, track student progress, and manage educational data. That’s why integrating an authoring tool with an LMS is an extremely important factor in its selection.

LMS integration is a feature that allows you to create, edit, and publish e-learning courses integrated with the LMS, without having to manually import or export files. Any changes made to the course in the authoring tool should be automatically reflected in the LMS.

In addition, course data such as descriptions, learning materials and assessments are stored in one place for consistency and easy access. Choose authoring tools with built-in integration with the LMS.

Types of authoring tools

There are many different types of tools available out there, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here are the main categories of tools for creating e-learning:

Desktop authoring tools

These are tools that you must download and install on your computer. They often offer more functionality and control over the course creation process.

They can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially for users who create multiple courses. However, they often make group work more difficult.

Cloud-based authoring tools

Most software developers create online tools, accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection. You don’t have to install anything and they are available 24/7, often updated with new features.

On the other hand, they may have fewer features than desktop-based tools. Often they also require a subscription, so they can be more expensive in the long run, depending on your subscription plan.

types of authoring tools

Open source tools

Open source means that these authoring tools are not commercial – anyone can edit the source code. Many of these tools are free and available to anyone. They are supported by an active community of users.

However, they are not always fully equivalent to commercial solutions. They may be slower or less flexible.

Not all free Elearning authoring software is open-source. Some companies share their tools with users freely, offering a free trial

Tools integrated with LMS

If you’re already using an external LMS, it might have some authoring tools built in. Typically, they offer good functionalities but they can be limited. Often, most educational institutions start with LMS tools, and then switch to more complex eLearning software.

Comparing Top E-Learning Authoring Tools of 2024

We have collected a list of some of the best elearning authoring tools online, available for all types of users, from beginners to professionals.

1. Publuu (recommended)

Publuu allows you to convert PDFs into interactive flipbooks. In this way, you create learning materials that can be a key part of your course. Integrating multimedia features with your ebooks can help you create great courses.

Publuu’s online e-book example

View more online e-books examples


2. Articulate Storyline 360

articulate 360 tool

Articulate 360 is a comprehensive e-learning creation tool that allows you to create interactive courses for various devices. It has a rich library of templates and resources, as well as advanced features such as simulations and games.

3. Elucidat

elucidat e-learning tool software website

Elucidat is a cloud-based tool that makes it easy to create responsive e-learning courses. It has an intuitive interface and a range of collaborative features. Although it has a subscription, it offers a free trial.

4. Adobe Captivate

adobe captivate e-learning tool software website

Adobe Captivate is a nother powerful e-learning creation tool that offers a wide range of features, including the ability to create interactive videos, simulations, and games. It allows you to convert PPT files into interactive content.

5. iSpring Suite

ispring suite website

iSpring Suite is a PowerPoint-based software that makes it easy to create e-learning courses without the need for special technical skills. It has a rich library of templates and resources, as well as a number of interactive features.

6. Adapt

Adapt learning software

Adapt is a free open-source tool that allows you to create responsive e-learning courses that comply with the SCORM standard. It is easy to use and has a number of features, including the ability to create quizzes, tests, and simulations.

Future Trends in E-Learning Authoring

The world of e-learning is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovative solutions emerging that are changing the way we teach and learn. Based on current trends and expert observations, there are several key directions that could affect your choice of eLearning authoring tools:

1. Artificial intelligence (AI)

Probably the biggest opportunity lies in artificial intelligence, which will play an increasingly important role in personalizing the learning process. AI systems are already able to analyze data about learners: their learning styles, strengths, weaknesses, and progress. They can tailor the content and pace of the course to each student’s individual needs. When choosing authoring tools, simply bet on ones that use artificial intelligence.

2. Hybrid teaching

Few students want to go 100% back to school. More and more companies and educational institutions will use hybrid teaching models, which combine elements of online and on-site teaching. This allows for flexibility and adaptation to different needs and learning styles.

Your authoring tools should offer features that allow online interaction between students, teachers, and experts, creating a more engaging and dynamic learning environment.

3. Gamification

Gamification or the use of games in education will continue to grow as a way to increase student engagement and motivation. Educational games can teach various skills and concepts in a fun and interactive way.

It is worth using authoring software that provides for the use of points, badges, and leaderboards. This way you will start gamification from scratch.

4. Mobile learning

E-learning courses will increasingly be adapted to mobile devices so that students can learn anywhere, anytime. Short, targeted learning modules, known as microteaching, are also a new trend. Small portions of knowledge fit the short attention span of mobile device users.


Trends are moving toward online education – and it’s worth getting ahead of the competition. Your organization or education department needs the right tools to create engaging and effective e-learning courses.

I hope you learned from this text how This guide has equipped you with the knowledge you need to choose the authoring tool perfect for your needs. You know the importance of issues like user experience, collaboration features, LMS integration, and future trends.

From our list, you’ll choose the online course development tools that will keep your learners constantly evolving.

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