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What Is a Digital Presentation & How to Make it Perfect

A digital presentation is a great way to share your ideas clearly and effectively. By combining storytelling, visual elements, and audio, you can keep your audience engaged and make a lasting impression. Whether you’re presenting to your boss or coworkers, multimedia presentation is a key part of modern office life.

digital presentation example

In this article, you’ll learn how to create memorable and visually engaging presentations. From defining your goals to selecting the right tools, we’ll cover everything you need to know.

What is a digital presentation?

A digital presentation is a visual tool used to communicate ideas, conduct training, or showcase a company’s offerings. It presents information in a clear and engaging way, often incorporating multimedia elements such as images, videos, charts, and animations.

By using programs such as PowerPoint or its alternatives, you can create professional presentations and share them in various formats, such as PDFs or online flipbooks from Publuu:

Publuu’s digital presentation example

View more online flipbook examples


What is the main goal of a digital presentation?

The main goals of a typical presentation are:

  • To communicate ideas clearly and effectively by combining the visuals with the speaker’s description.

  • To train the audience and help them quickly adapt to new tasks.

  • To convince the audience of your point by providing them with arguments and new knowledge.

  • To inspire and interest the audience in the topic, often through storytelling.

  • To share knowledge and experience.

At the workplace, presentations are typically used to:

  • Demonstrate new products or services.

  • Communicate what is happening in the company.

  • Suggest new solutions of the problems.

Related topic: Company presentation

What creates an effective digital presentation?

Knowing your audience

The first step to creating a successful presentation is understanding your audience’s interests. Research their needs and preferences, and match your content to their expectations.

For example, when presenting a new app, consider the age group of your audience. Younger audiences may respond better to informal language, while older audiences may require more detailed explanations.

Starting with a strong hook

Start with a compelling introduction to capture attention. Use a paradoxical statement or a thought-provoking question, for example:

quote-mark You can earn money playing computer games quote-mark

Whatever you do, use the introduction to draw in your audience. Once you have the attention of your listeners, you can safely explain your main point, and finish the presentation with a summary and a call to action.

Creating simple slides

Effective slides combine visuals and text. Images should be self-explanatory, and you should avoid reading directly from your slides. Instead, use your words to describe the visuals and provide additional context.

Keep your slides uncluttered, and use concise language. Bullet points and clear headings are also better and more to the point than lengthy paragraphs.

Practice speaking

Before your presentation, practice your speaking out loud many times, in front of colleagues or friends. Ask for their feedback and adjust your delivery accordingly. Also, be sure to use a friendly but professional tone of voice to easily establish a connection with your audience.

person practicing presentation in front of the mirror

Body language is important too; it shows energy and emotions. Even if you deliver an online presentation, your body language influences your attitude and behavior.

How to create a perfect digital presentation

1. Know your topic

Before you start your presentation, make sure you know everything about the subject matter. Learn as much as you can – go beyond what’s on the slides. This will make you more confident when speaking.

It will also help you answer questions from the audience. When you truly understand your topic, it shows in the way you speak, which, in turn, builds trust with your audience. Remember, you can’t present content you don’t fully understand!

2. Focus on simplicity

Focus on your key ideas when presenting. Avoid overloading your slides with text, as you need to engage both visual and auditory learners. Remember – don’t read directly from the slides; instead, tell a story that complements the visuals.

simple presentation slides

Choose simple patterns and colors that are easy to look at, using simple templates available online. This helps your audience focus on what’s important without confusion or distraction.

3. Tell a story

People remember stories better than just raw data – research suggests that storytelling is 22 times more effective than just presenting facts! Try to turn your information into a story that makes sense and resonates with your audience.

This relatability will help them better understand and remember your points. A well-told story can make your presentation more engaging and hold the audience’s attention.

4. Make it entertaining

To keep your audience’s interest, add some entertaining, engaging elements to your presentation. Don’t be afraid to include anecdotes or jokes, even in a formal setting, as long as it doesn’t overwhelm the listeners.

You can also use photos, short videos, or internet memes to clarify your points. Just make sure that any humor or entertainment supports, rather than distracts from, your message.

5. Practice makes perfect

Before the big day, practice your presentation several times. Speak out loud, even if you are alone. This will help you become familiar with your words and ideas. It’s also a good idea to measure your time to ensure you stay within the limit.

The more you practice, the more natural and confident you will sound when it’s time to present. You can also ask colleagues for feedback and suggestions.

6. Be ready to share

Sometimes people may want to see your presentation again later. Make sure you can easily share it. You can have a link ready to send by creating a flipbook using Publuu. Thanks to the ease and convenience of Publuu’s visually appealing presentations, you can share them on social media or using QR codes.

easy sharing options for digital presentation

Anyone with an HTML-5 compatible device can browse your presentation on their phone or tablet without needing additional software.

7. Check your technology

Before your presentation, ensure all your technology is working properly. Test your computer, check your internet connection, and make sure any videos or interactive elements on your slides work correctly. Prepare everything in advance so you don’t rush at the last minute or worry about technical issues.

Publuu flipbooks can help resolve these concerns – you don’t need specialized tools, as you can simply convert your PDF into a digital presentation that’s easy to browse on any device.

8. Welcome questions

Let your audience know that they can ask questions. This can make your presentation feel more like a conversation. Be open to discussing ideas – sometimes the best parts of a presentation come from these interactions. Answering questions also shows that you know your topic well and are confident in your ideas.


Digital presentations FAQ

Which software is used for digital presentation?

If you’re looking to create a digital presentation, there are several tools to consider:

  • Publuu: If you want to transform your PDF files into engaging flipbooks, Publuu is a great option. It ensures your content looks impressive on any device and can help your presentation stand out.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint: This widely used program is available on Mac, Windows, and Android. It’s great for creating detailed presentations and allows you to save your work as PDF or PPT files.
  • Canva: This versatile platform is excellent for creating not only presentations but also graphics and images. The free version is robust and suitable for many users. Plus, you can export PDFs from Canva directly to Publuu.
  • Google Slides: This online tool is perfect for collaborative projects and is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. While it’s free and user-friendly, it may lack some advanced features found in PowerPoint.
  • LibreOffice Impress: A free alternative to PowerPoint, Impress is also available for multiple platforms and offers similar features, including the ability to save as PDF or PPT.
  • Apple Keynote: Ideal for creating sleek, professional presentations, Keynote is exclusive to Apple devices. If you’re using a Mac or an iPhone, it’s a fantastic choice.
  • Prezi: Known for its dynamic zooming effects, Prezi adds a unique touch to your presentations. However, exporting to PDF can be a bit tricky.

    publuu digital presentation editor

What are the main types of digital presentations?

  1. Informative presentation: This type of presentation is used to share information on a specific topic, ranging from comic books to political procedures. Its primary goal is to educate the audience about a particular subject.

  2. Educational presentation: Similar to an informative presentation, this format is designed to teach the audience new concepts or skills. It often includes repetition and interactive exercises, making it ideal for classroom settings.

  3. Training presentation: Commonly used for hands-on training, this type of presentation demonstrates how to perform specific tasks. It is useful in various settings, such as employee training program or teaching cooking techniques in the kitchen.

  4. Persuasive presentation: This type of presentation is used to convince the audience to take a specific action. It is often employed by salespeople, activists, and politicians to influence their audience’s behavior or opinions. A motivational presentation is similar, but it focuses on attitude or lifestyle changes rather than a particular action.

Check out more types of presentations in our Knowledge Base!

What should be included in a presentation?

A good presentation typically includes:

  • A strong beginning: Start with something that grabs the audience’s attention and gets them interested.

  • The main content: Present your ideas clearly, ideally in the form of a compelling story.

  • A memorable ending: Conclude by summarizing your key points to reinforce what you’ve covered. End with a call-to-action if you want the audience to take action.

  • Visual aids: Use images, diagrams, or charts to illustrate your points and make them easier to understand.

  • Interaction: Engage with your audience by encouraging discussions or allowing time for questions and answers.

Why do we use digital presentation?

Digital presentations are helpful because:

  • They look great on a computer screen and, thanks to multimedia elements, make complex ideas easier to understand.

  • You can view and share them on your device, even after the presentation is over.

  • They are easy to share with others. Tools like Publuu allow you to upload them to social media and embed them on your website with minimal effort.

  • They have a professional appearance, especially with features like interactive hotspots and animations provided by Publuu.

  • They can save you time and money by streamlining the creation and distribution process.


A digital presentation is a powerful tool for effectively communicating your ideas and leaving a lasting impression on your audience. By combining storytelling, visuals, and audio, you can captivate and engage your viewers, whether you’re presenting to superiors, colleagues, or a wider group.

We hope this guide has helped you learn more about creating memorable and visually engaging presentations, from defining your objectives to choosing the right tools. Focus on understanding your audience, starting with a strong hook, telling compelling stories, and leveraging high-quality technology.

Whether you use PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Publuu, the most important thing is to capture your audience’s attention and deliver your content with confidence!

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