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Knowledge Base > Catalogs > Online Christmas Catalog – How to make one?

Online Christmas Catalog – How to make one?

The holiday season is about to begin. It all starts with American Thanksgiving, then Black Friday and Cyber Monday – and in American stores, starting from the next day the holiday season sets in until Christmas and New Year. For many people, Christmas is a time of recollection, fun, and rest – which they supplement with shopping, whether for gifts or for food and supplies!

The Christmas period is great for shopping. In fact, one reason people who work in retail call Black Monday this precisely because the shop owners started earning and being in the black. Christmas is a great opportunity for any business to increase sales. So why not get your product catalog ready for the holiday season? Whether you have a small business or a large corporation, an online catalog or gift guide can get you on Santa’s good side – and draw more attention to your store or site.

In this article, you’ll find tips to help you design a Christmas catalog, interesting design ideas for Christmas and other seasonal holidays, and how to publish it on the Publuu website in the unique.

Be ready for Christmas!

These days, it seems like the holiday season is starting earlier and earlier. Waiting until November to start designing your catalog can cause you to miss out on your customers’ first Christmas shopping day, and can also cause costly mistakes. In America, many people do their Christmas shopping on Thanksgiving or the day after, and other countries emulate this custom…and since they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, they start earlier each year. In some places shop decorations for Christmas are already present mid-November – so be ready with your Christmas offer as soon as possible.

Try to have your project ready by late September or early October, so that you have plenty of time to edit, print, and create your catalogs. Of course, when you choose to upload your personalized digital Christmas catalog to Publuu website you will save a lot of time, but you still need to have your Christmas offer ready.

Review your previous Christmas catalogs

The road to creating the perfect, unique Christmas catalog starts with a review of last year’s sales. Take a look at your previous catalogs, if you have them, and review them carefully, thinking about what you will do this year with the new issue. It’s also worth taking a look at your competitors’ offerings, especially if your company is new or you simply didn’t offer a Christmas catalog last year.

Recall what gift or gifts sold best last year, and consider whether it’s worth including those goods in your offer this year. Has the situation changed? Does the competition have a different offering? Also, consider what gifts turned out to be a disappointment last year and why. Perhaps you vowed to change that and forgot? Or were there products that weren’t included in promotions but were hits anyway?

Christmas sale

Do you have any fun new deals that will reflect the upcoming year? Hit toys? For example, maybe there’s a big superhero movie coming up, and you have a product that can reference this concept? Or if you provide a service, maybe you could throw in something extra for the Christmas season? Getting ready for your holidays isn’t just about lights and Christmas trees!

Design your catalog in Christmas style

The holiday season is a time for classic decorations, music, and traditions. So, even if you’re a fairly formal company like a law firm or accounting, you can add some personalized holiday decorations to your marketing materials to create a unique emotional connection with your customers. Adapt this to your culture as well, for example, keeping in mind the traditions in your region.

Christmas catalog

One of the funniest ways to create a Christmas variant of your catalogs is to simply take previous catalogs, a pencil or marker, and start sketching on the older issues. Add festive images and colors like red, white, and green, choose where to place some0 cartoon Christmas characters if they fit your business profile. If you have a large logo, have it covered with snow or decorated with lights for the holidays. Remember also to draw on traditions from around the world: for example colors like gold, orange, and blue are also well suited for the holiday season.

Use Publuu to prepare your catalog for the holidays!

Flipbooks from Publuu will help you present your company’s offer as a beautiful online ebook using a fantastic, fun page-turning effect. It’s easy to decorate it with various features and personalized functions, for example, by adding some Christmas music in the background or a colorful. Such a catalog will certainly beautiful on any device, from smartphones to big screens.

What’s very important about a seasonal catalog are the tracking tools and luckily for you, Publuu offers a robust analytics function. Thanks to this monitoring ability, you will find out if your catalog has attracted attention, which pages are most popular for browsing, or who opens it the most. Your online catalog can show what links are chosen the most often, and what items are the most popular. You can check if people are sharing it through social media and the like.

Catalog - tracking and statistics

You can also easily provide your customers with access to your catalog: for instance, you can post it on your website or social media , and they can also access your archives to learn more about your previous offer. You will publish your catalog all over the world, you can also prepare it in multiple languages to make online shopping easier for your international customers.

With easy linking, you can link gifts in your catalog to your online store or social media, or to a video preview of a given – which you can also prepare for the holidays. Add some interactive content like movies to your catalog or website, so that that the holiday season feels special.

Publuu’s Christmas Catalog example

View more online catalog examples


Design catalog details like the cover and table of contents

The cover is always the first impression for any ebook, but when you share it on social media or your website it’s the first thing buyers see. Try to make it unique, so that it’s obvious that it’s a special holiday edition — you should let it be associated with this special time.

After the cover, you can include an introduction – be sure to send your customers and partners Christmas wishes using the catalog, to put them in a cheerful mood. It’s also a good idea to add a table of contents to everything – if it’s short, you can put it right below the introduction.

Many publishers design the table of contents with tabs, highlighting the frame borders with the appropriate color – but Publuu offers a great hotspot functionality that will help the readers navigate your holiday catalog.

Add interactive content with Publuu

Often you may find expensive, exclusive items in the holiday catalogs you buy or find. In your company, you may have that one expensive product that is normally rare and people seldom buy it, but which would make a great holiday gift. These rare items are also interesting to customers – and you can make this special gift the center of attention by using interactive features.

With Publuu , you can put hotspots on the cover right away – just click on the gift to be taken to the catalog page with its description, and find out how to buy it in the shop. In the description itself, you can also link to a video showcasing the merchandise or straight to the store. What’s more, Publuu lets you create a product gallery to highlight your products with high resolution images.

extra video and photo in photo album

Interactivity is not only about multimedia – a competition can be a good bonus to encourage people to download your catalog! Ask people to send you drawings, write how they will use the gifts they find in your catalog, and so on! Publuu will allow you to link to social media or email so that the readers can send you entries for the contest. This is also a great way to gather emails and contact information or ask people to subscribe to your newsletter.

Highlight the best gifts

Readers of your catalog need to have a compelling reason to buy your products. For example, for a proper Black Friday sale, people will be interested in half-price TVs, not a discount coupon for a set of steak knives. Offering merchandise at standard prices will not encourage potential customers to buy from your shop. What’s more, remember that your competition is on watch and ready to offer their own unique, personalized offers. If you don’t offer a good sale for the holiday season, your rivals will.

Add-ons or freebies may also be a good idea. Add an expansion pack to every board game in your shop, or free headphones to phones – something you can afford but will draw the attention of anyone out to shop all day! If you offer services, you can add some festive vibes using personalized touches – a free photo frame, a discount for using a friendly service – cooperate with a related business to draw more users to your company. Experts also recommend taking advantage of short-term promotions – the holidays are a great time to clean out the warehouse of your shop.

Take care of the mobile market

Christmas Catalog on mobile devices

In part thanks to the Covid pandemic, more and more people are shopping online – including, of course holiday shopping – using mobile devices. More and more customers are using their phones as their basic device for browsing the net, so it makes sense for them to be able to view your catalogs on their screens. Fortunately, Publuu online catalogs make this possible without the slightest problem.

Thanks to online flipbook catalogs, your images will look great on mobile devices, and links or videos will be easy to click on and open. Make sure your catalog will look right on smaller devices – these days many mobile screens are high resolution and the customers zoom in to see the details. that’s why it’s a good idea to provide the customer with best images. Prepare great images, responsive links, engaging descriptions and your offers in the catalog will give your readers the festive cheer!

Christmas catalog: What you can get with it

Prepare great images for the holidays, create evocative descriptions and your Christmas catalog is ready! And when you publish it on your site, tell us if your customers are happy and in a festive mood!

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