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How To Write an Ebook? Short Guide

Writing an eBook can greatly enhance your content marketing, boost your income, and grow your audience. However, if you’re not sure where to start, it can feel overwhelming.


This short guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to write an effective eBook, from planning and writing to publishing and marketing, so you can start your project with confidence.

What is an eBook?

An eBook, short for “electronic book”, is a digital version of a printed book that can be read on electronic devices like computers, smartphones, and e-readers. Unlike physical books, eBooks offer interactive features such as links, multimedia, and search functions, that make reading more engaging.

eBooks come in various formats like PDF, ePub, Kindle, or flipbooks, each with unique features. For example, ePub is popular because its text adapts to different screen sizes, while Publuu flipbooks mimic the experience of turning physical pages with interactive and tracking features.

Why write an eBook?

Writing an eBook can establish your authority in a subject, generate passive income, and reach a global audience. eBooks are cost-effective to produce and distribute, making them accessible to a wide range of readers.

According to HubSpot research, eBooks are great lead generators and offer several benefits for your brand and marketing strategy by helping to build credibility and providing a platform to share valuable content with your audience.

Key Benefits of eBooks:

  • Global reach: Engage with audiences worldwide.
  • Easily accessible: Portable and available on many devices.
  • Searchable: Quick access to information.
  • Cost-effective: Budget-friendly publishing.
  • Build credibility: Enhance brand reputation quickly.
  • Valuable content: Deliver information in a convenient format.
  • Lead generation: Effective tool for generating leads.

How much money can you make from eBooks?

eBook earnings vary based on factors like pricing, marketing strategy, and niche. Some authors earn a modest side income, while others make significant revenue through strategic marketing and effective use of selling platforms.

On average, authors earn between $5,000 and $10,000 annually. However, top-performing authors, particularly those selling on platforms like Amazon, can make significant incomes. In 2023, thousands of indie authors on Amazon earned over $100,000 from eBook sales alone​. The total eBook revenue in the United States was reported at $1.3 billion in 2023!

How to write an eBook

Writing an eBook involves planning, drafting, revising, and formatting your content. It’s essential to create an outline, conduct thorough research, and write clear, engaging content.

1. Define Your Target Audience
2. Pick a Topic
3. Conduct Your Research
4. Organize Your Chapters
5. Write the Content
6. Edit and Format Your eBook
7. Design Your eBook
8. Determine How to Distribute Your eBook
9. Promote and Market Your eBook

1. Define Your Target Audience

Understanding your readers helps tailor your content to their needs and interests, ensuring your eBook is relevant and engaging. As Neil Patel, a digital marketing expert, states, defining your target audience is the first and most essential step towards any project success.

Identifying your target audience involves researching their demographics, preferences, and pain points. For example, if you’re writing an eBook on fitness, your target audience could be defined as “women aged 25-40 who are interested in home workouts and healthy eating.”

Use tools like Google Analytics or Publuu, and social media insights to gather demographic data, interests, and behavior patterns. Surveys and polls on platforms like SurveyMonkey can provide direct feedback.


2. Pick a Topic

Choose a topic that aligns with your expertise and interests, as well as one that is in demand on the market and meets the audience’s needs. What’s more important, make sure you love what you write, as J.K. Rowling suggests.

What you write becomes who you are… So make sure you love what you write! J.K. Rowling

Use keyword research tools and analyze competitors to find a topic that resonates with your audience. Tools like Google Trends, Ahrefs, and SEMrush can help identify trending topics and keywords that have high search volume and low competition.

Key points

  • Brainstorm ideas: List topics you’re passionate about.
  • Narrow down: Pick a topic that fits your audience and solves a problem.
  • Validate demand: Check search volume with tools like Google Trends.


3. Conduct your Research

As Stephen King points out in his book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft thorough research ensures your content is accurate and valuable.

Gather information from credible sources such as books, scholarly articles, reputable websites, and expert interviews. Use tools like Google Scholar for scholarly articles and JSTOR for academic papers.

Use a combination of online research and surveys. Take detailed notes and organize your findings systematically using tools like Evernote or Google Docs to keep track of your notes and references.



4. Organize Your Chapters

Organizing your chapters helps structure your eBook logically. Create a detailed outline with headings and subheadings that breaks down your eBook into chapters and sections.

Each chapter should cover a specific aspect of your topic and flow logically from one to the next. This structured approach helps keep your writing focused and organized, making it easier for readers to follow and understand your content.

Key points:

Outline first: Break down the topic into sections.
Organize chapters: Structure chapters logically.
Logical flow: Ensure chapters cover specific aspects and flow naturally.


5. Write the Content

Start writing your eBook based on your outline. Focus on creating clear, concise, and engaging content that provides value to your readers. Write in a conversational tone if appropriate, and ensure each chapter addresses the questions and needs of your audience.

Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and numbered lists to make the content easy to read. Aim to provide valuable information that addresses your readers’ needs.

bulb-icon OUR TIPS:

  • Voice and tone: Keep the same style throughout.
  • Daily writing routine: Write a bit every day to keep progressing.
  • Show, don’t tell: Use stories and examples to illustrate points.
  • Clarity: Make sentences simple and easy to understand.

6. Edit and Format your eBook

Editing and formatting ensure your eBook is professional and easy to read. Start by revising your content to correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors using tools like Grammarly. Check for consistency in style and tone.

Formatting involves setting the correct font size, margins, and layout for eBook platforms like Kindle or ePub. To enhance readability, use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and images where appropriate.

Choosing the right file format for your eBook is also essential. The most popular ebook formats include:

  • Printable PDF: Consistent formatting, ideal for text-heavy documents.
  • Interactive PDF: Includes clickable links and videos for better engagement.
  • Interactive HTML5 / Flipbook: Supports animations and multimedia content.
  • EPUB: Compatible with most devices, adaptable text for various screen sizes.
    Want to know more? Check What is EPUB?


7. Design Your eBook

A professional eBook design attracts readers and enhances the reading experience. Create an interesting cover and interior layout that are visually appealing and easy to read.

Use design tools like Canva which offers a variety of ebook templates and ensure your project aligns with the content and target audience’s preferences. If needed, consider hiring a graphic designer to achieve a polished look.

Michelle Barry, CEO of Mesmerize Media Consulting, highlights the importance of making eBooks interactive by including clickable links, so creating your eBook in an interactive HTML5 format is a great idea.

This approach can improve reader engagement and provide quick access to relevant resources, making the content more dynamic than a traditional static PDF.

bulb-icon With Publuu, you can create interactive HTML5 which can be embed-protected. Additionally, viewers can choose to download a static PDF version right from the toolbar! Check our guide on how to make an online book.

8. Determine How to Distribute your eBook

Choose a publishing platform that best reaches your target audience. Each platform has its own formatting and submission requirements, so select one that aligns with your goals and audience preferences. For more detailed information about self-publishing, check out our guide.

Here’s the list of common eBook publishers:


Pubuu offers an interactive HTML5 format that makes eBooks visually appealing and easy to navigate. With user-friendly tools and great customer service, it’s a top choice for authors. You can distribute your eBooks widely and use Publuu’s advanced analytics to understand your audience, which helps increase your reach and sales.

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

KDP allows authors to publish eBooks on Amazon, reaching a huge audience. It is easy to use and supports simple tools like Microsoft Word and Kindle Create. While competition is high, successful eBooks can get great visibility and sales. KDP also provides opportunities for authors to participate in promotional programs like Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Prime Reading.

Apple Books

Apple Books platform is great for design-focused eBooks that emphasize aesthetics and user experience. It supports multiple file formats such as Pages, ePUB, Microsoft Word, PDF, Mobi, and KF8. Apple Books also offers great resources for designing eBook covers and pages. Authors can choose to distribute their books widely or only on iOS devices.

Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble Press provides a wide reach, making it a good option for authors who want to distribute their eBooks widely. It supports various file formats like Microsoft Word, HTML, TXT, and ePUB, and also offers promotional tools. By publishing on this platform, authors can take advantage of B&N’s extensive customer base and promotional opportunities.

Kobo Writing Life

Kobo Writing Life is perfect for international distribution and helps authors reach readers around the world. It supports multiple languages and currencies, making it a great option for global sales. Kobo Writing Life also offers detailed analytics and promotional opportunities to help authors understand their audience and increase their reach.


Draft2Digital makes the distribution process easy by allowing authors to publish eBooks on multiple platforms at the same time. It offers user-friendly tools that make it easy to manage and distribute your eBooks. Draft2Digital also provides formatting services and author pages to help market your books effectively.

E-commerce platforms

Selling directly through platforms like Shopify or Wix allows authors to keep control over pricing and sales. They also offer integration options to make purchases easier and help authors keep more profits. By using e-commerce platforms, authors can also create a personalized shopping experience for their readers.

Your website

Distributing eBooks via your website gives you full control over sales and audience engagement. This approach can help build a loyal reader base and provide valuable information on customer preferences. Authors can use their website to offer exclusive content, collect email addresses for newsletters, and create a direct connection with their readers.

Additionally, it may be beneficial to explore platforms depending on your eBook’s niche. Consider factors like reach, royalty rates, ease of use, and the preferences of your target audience. Publuu is particularly user-friendly, offering a format that is easy for embedding on websites and e-commerce platforms.


9. Promote and Market your eBook

You’ve created an eBook, but how to promote it and get people to download it? Develop a marketing plan that includes using Publuu, social media, email marketing, blog posts, guest blogging, and collaborations with influencers. Consider running ads and offering limited-time discounts to attract more readers.

Here are some more ways to get your eBook noticed and increase downloads:

1. Use HTML format: Create flipbooks with Publuu and embed them on a website or e-commerce platforms, to make them easily accessible and engaging.

2. Email marketing: Build relationships and generate revenue with tools like Mailchimp. Regular emails can keep your audience informed and interested.

3. Social media posts: Turn eBook content into social media posts to drive traffic. Tailor content for each platform to reach your target audience. Use:

  • TikTok for Gen Z.
  • Facebook for older readers.
  • LinkedIn for B2B eBooks.

4. Use Keywords: Google can search PDF and HTML formats, so use keywords in your eBook and promotional content for better search engine ranking. Publuu’s HTML format is particularly beneficial for SEO, as it is indexed by Google.

5. Blog posts: Convert eBook content into blog posts to attract readers. Direct them to download the eBook for more detailed information.

6. Community groups: Share your eBook in groups where your target audience is active. Publuu makes it easy to share content in these groups.

7. Advertising: Use paid ads to target specific audiences to increase visibility of your eBook.

8. Webinars and videos: Create complementary content and engage with your audience live to drive interest and provide deeper insights into your eBook.

9. Collect feedback: Use testimonials and reviews to encourage more downloads. Positive reviews can significantly impact sales.

bulb-icon Integrate these methods into your book marketing strategies to boost your eBook’s visibility and downloads, even before its official release.

eBooks FAQs

How much does it cost to write an eBook?

The cost to write an eBook varies widely, ranging from $100 to $5,000 or more. It depends on factors like research, writing, editing, design, and marketing. Hiring professionals for these tasks can increase costs, but DIY approaches can reduce expenses.

Are eBooks still profitable?

Yes, eBooks are still profitable when marketed effectively. Authors can generate significant income, especially through platforms like Amazon Kindle. Success depends on niche selection, marketing strategy, and audience engagement.

What eBooks make the most money?

Non-fiction eBooks in categories like self-help, business, and health often make the most money due to high demand for practical advice and information. Additionally, popular fiction genres like romance, thriller, and fantasy also generate substantial revenue.

What genre of eBooks sell the most?

Romance eBooks sell the most, followed by thrillers, mysteries, and self-help books. These genres have large, dedicated audiences and consistently high demand, making them top sellers in the eBook market.


Writing an eBook can improve your content marketing, increase your income, and grow your audience. This article has provided you a step-by-step guide, from planning and writing to publishing and marketing. By following these steps, you can create a professional and engaging eBook that attracts your target audience.

Remember, thorough research, careful planning, and smart promotion are crucial for success. Use the mentioned tools and platforms to reach the widest audience and achieve your goals. Start your eBook project with confidence and see its positive impact!

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