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Internship CV Writing Guide with Templates and Examples

Don’t underestimate the opportunity to get an internship – it’s not just about making coffee! An internship can help your future career by allowing you to practice the skills under the guidance of professionals in your field. Doing an internship with a reputable company can be a crucial point in your career, but without a good CV, it might be hard to get.


A good resume works for everyone – you can display it as a digital brochure from Publuu and show everyone what an internship resume looks like. This article will show you how to write a CV for an internship and provide sample CVs.

bulb-icon Key Points

  • A resume, alternately called a ‘CV,’ describes your career and education.
  • Match it to the company you’re applying to and tailor it to the requirements of the internship.
  • Describe relevant skills, experiences, academic achievements, and volunteer work to demonstrate your qualifications.
  • Search for internships through online platforms, at university, or networking.

What Is an Internship CV?

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a detailed document that outlines your academic and career accomplishments, typically presented in chronological order. Unlike a traditional resume, a CV provides a more comprehensive overview of your educational background, experiences, and professional history.

The CV is more common in Europe and is typically used for most job applications. In the USA, on the other hand, a resume is more commonly used. The terms “resume” and “CV” can be used alternately depending on the region and position you are applying for.

What to Include in an Internship CV?

Your Internship CV shouldn’t be much different from the CV of a full-time worker. It should contain:

  • Your details: Your name, contact details like e-mail and phone number, and location to make it easy for potential employers to contact you.

  • Professional Summary: A summary of your career goals and qualifications. Describe your career goal and what do you want to achieve – for instance, that you want to be a designer or a programmer – and you should have some skills to back it up!

  • Work experience: List your previous jobs, including company names, positions, dates, and responsibilities. If you’re just starting your career, feel free to add summer jobs or odd jobs you did around the town – they will be helpful!

  • Education: Your academic qualifications, including degrees, institutions, graduation dates, and any relevant coursework or honors. In general, if you’re just starting, you might feel free to brag about success in high school!

  • Academic achievements: Anything you have gained at your uni – stipends, scholarships, awards. Everything you have contributed towards academic work, like research or professional scientific journal can be of help.

  • Skills: List relevant hard and soft skills for your field (see more below). Add relevant qualifications and confirmations.

  • Certifications and licenses: Any professional certifications or licenses you’ve obtained. Add things that might seem common, like a driving license or language certifications.

  • Volunteer work: Relevant unpaid work or community service that demonstrates additional skills or commitment is also a great example.

  • Languages: List any languages you speak and your proficiency level.

Related topic: Certificate Templates

How to Write an Internship CV

Step 1. Add your contact details

When you start working on your intern resume, you want to make a good impression – so start with making your name as visible as possible. Choose a font larger than the rest of your contact details so that it stands out clearly in the text and the reader will notice!

White simple student cv resume - 1

Add contact details like your email address, phone number, website, or social media profiles. You don’t have to put up a full address, but you can name the city!


Step 2. Tell the reader who you are and what you want

Even if you are attaching a cover letter to your internship resume, include an ‘about me’ section in the CV, with your professional career goals outlined. Tell the recruiter what you want to achieve in the position. Show that you are willing to learn and eager to apply your knowledge.


If you have no experience in the industry you are interning in, say that you want to learn more about it and maybe apply your knowledge in your future career. You can also share your personal values and career goals.

Step 3. List your education in reverse order

Education is always important in your CV, especially for those looking for their first job. List your current studies, followed by any previous courses and schools with completion dates.


If you are still learning, write ‘in progress’ or ‘expected to graduate’ along with the expected date. List any relevant courses that match the internship qualification, including those unrelated to the industry. Previous work in retail, hospitality, or even childcare can show that you are responsible and dedicated.

Step 4. Showcase other soft and hard skills

Use bullet points to highlight the main skills you used in your previous positions. Remember to explain how you used each skill in the role. Add skills like a driving license, known languages, and technical skills like the use of programs like MS Office or Photoshop. Any useful skill can draw the attention of the reader.


You can also show your personality – do you draw, write, or play sports? Write it down! It might show unexpected sides of your character!

Step 5. Community and campus experience

Describe any volunteering roles you have had and how you have been involved in community and student organizations. This shows employers that you can work as part of a team and are committed to personal development.


Download this template

Showcasing such additional experience shows employers that you can work independently and lead others.

Step 6. Present your work experience

If you have any previous work experience, add them to your internship resume. Even if it was just a short period of work, this might prove relevant! If you can, obtain recommendations from your previous employers, to showcase that you have something to be proud of!

Like in a typical resume, write your work history chronologically, and describe your responsibilities and work achievements.

Templates for Internship CV

If you have some basic design skills, you can use the free Canva editor to use some of these templates. Check out our resume templates gallery to see how you can use Publuu to publish your internship resume online.

1. Business administration internship CV


This simple resume template draws attention to your name and face! Customize it here.

2. Minimalistic internship resume


This simple minimalistic template looks very neutral and professional. Use it here.

3. Computer science internship CV


You can use strong color accents to draw attention to your strengths and ideas. Customize this template.

4. Multimedia arts internship CV


This template features a beige, creative design, ideal for highlighting your skills and achievements.

5. Product designer CV template


Contrasting colors of this resume template will help you to distinguish yourself from the competition. Customize it here.

6. Graphic designer resume template


This CV template is very graphic intensive, use it to show off your design skills!

7. Graphic designer internship CV


Use this CV template to rely on heavy font contrasts and bolded designs.

Example of Internship CV

Let’s look at the below internship resume example and analyze what should we put there:

Name: Jason Selham


Phone number: [123] 456-789-000


bulb-icon Use this section to introduce yourself. Make your name prominent so that anyone reviewing the resume knows it’s yours!

Personal profile:

“I am an aspiring graphic designer, illustrator and photographer. I am currently seeking professional development opportunities. An internship with XXX as a graphic designer will help me gain experience by working with one of the leaders in the local market.”

bulb-icon Put in a brief introduction highlighting your skills, qualities, career goals, and reasons for applying. Showcase your strengths and what you already know – in our example, you indicate graphic design skills. Also, show that you’ve researched the company and understand what they do.


2022 – Present: Graphic design assistant, Furniture Design Magazine. Responsible for the photography and graphic presentation of the magazine.

2020: Freelance graphic designer. My photos have been featured in local newspapers and are showcased in my portfolio.

bulb-icon Even if you have no experience, present yourself in the best light! Highlight student work, projects, and achievements in your resume.


2020 – Present: Animation and Graphic Design student, Sometown University.

2022: Completed a course in vector graphics design.

bulb-icon Mention your top level of education, professional qualifications, courses, institutions, and dates. Avoid listing high school unless it’s relevant (e.g., participating in the drama club, which could be relevant to radio work).

Hard skills: Photoshop and free tools (GIMP, InDesign,, Windows and Mac skills.

bulb-icon Put up the technical skills required for the role (e.g., software, tools). In our example, we show the industry standard (Adobe Suite), as well as free alternatives students might use.

Soft skills: Teamwork, detail-oriented, achievement-focused.

bulb-icon Soft skills are harder to measure. Mention all your strengths and personality traits (e.g. communication, teamwork, problem-solving).

Training: Vector graphics design, plotter operation (2021).

Languages: Spanish, French.

Hobbies: Photography, music, softball.

bulb-icon In this section include relevant hobbies or interests. Who knows, maybe the company is creating a softball team and they’re looking for a new player?

Writing Tips for Internship CV

Tailor your resume to the company

Research the position and company you are applying to, and adjust your resume accordingly. If you want to work in a school, write that you worked as a babysitter, but you don’t have to mention your work in a fast food restaurant! Above all, list the skills, experiences, and achievements that match the internship requirements.

Include keywords in your job description

Often these keywords are used to sift out prospective candidates. Review the job description and include keywords that match your skills so that your resume will be visible. Search the internet for relevant phrases and try to weave them into your resume.

Use simple, active language

Describe your experiences and responsibilities with strong action verbs – don’t go “I was responsible for preparing data,” write “I created visualizations” instead. Create short and clear sentences, focusing on the most relevant information.

List relevant skills outside of work

You may not yet have the skills required by the company – but that’s what you’re starting your internship to learn. List any relevant skills you have, such as programming languages, a driver’s license, graphic design, or animation software.

Structure your online presence

Employers often look for candidates online and review their social media profiles. As a result, purge any inappropriate or unprofessional content from your social media. If you don’t have a profile on LinkedIn, create one. Also, publish your resume online using Publuu and update your professional profiles to showcase your skills.

Include a cover letter with your CV

A cover letter allows you to show why you are interested in the internship and why you are a good fit for it. It also allows you to highlight skills or experiences that aren’t on your resume.

Check for spelling and grammar errors

Before submitting your resume, check it for grammar errors or typos. Pay attention to formatting, grammar, and consistency. Ask a friend or teacher to review it to get a fresh perspective.

Create an interactive CV

Use Publuu to create online, interactive content that is easy to share. With Publuu, you can add hyperlinks to your resume, social media profiles, or other relevant resources, making it simple for employers to access additional information about your work and skills. This adds a modern and professional touch to your internship CV.

Publuu’s resume example

View more online resume examples


What Are the Key Skills Employers Look For?

Companies are looking for people with specific transferable skills – even if they don’t have professional experience yet. Here are some important skills that will help you get an internship:

  • People skills. According to the study in Nature Human Behavior, people skills are among the most highly looked after. The ability to communicate well with people is extremely important for any job – not just in sales. This is also what you should show at a job interview: that you can listen and speak clearly.
  • Work time organization. Interns often do many things at once. You need to be good at planning your time, setting goals, and getting things done. Learn to prioritize and plan your day within 5 minutes!
  • Initiative. Don’t be afraid to start something on your own. Show people that you want to do more than just make coffee and clean up. This will help you get noticed.
  • Problem-solving. Problems happen at work. The ability to find solutions quickly is something we all want! Problem-solving skills are crucial for employers. Show that you can think through problems and come up with good ideas – don’t be afraid to be creative.
  • Cooperation with others. Most jobs require teamwork. In most jobs, you need to cooperate with other people and share ideas, so show the relevant key skills that demonstrate that you’re a team player.
  • Willingness to develop. Good employees always want to learn new things. Show that you are interested in improving yourself and taking on new challenges – that’s what an internship is for, after all!


Top 10 Internship Interview Questions

1. Tell me about yourself

This is often the first question on any job interview. Your answer should be concise and relevant to the internship. Highlight your experience, relevant skills, and passion for the field.

How can you answer ❔ I am an IT student at a university in Walla Walla. I have developed people skills through volunteering. I am very excited about this internship because I want to work for an established company.


2. Why are you interested in this internship?

This question can help you present your research and enthusiasm for the company. Avoid generic answers and research the position beforehand!

How can you answer ❔ I admire the company’s values and think this marketing internship is in line with my goals.


3. What is your availability?

Employers want to know if your schedule is compatible with their needs. You need to be flexible!

How can you answer ❔ I have a flexible schedule and can adjust my availability to meet the requirements of the internship.


4. What is most important to you at work?

This question assesses your values and priorities. Tailor your answer to your role as an intern and to the company culture itself. It’s worth emphasizing that you want to know their requirements!

How can you answer ❔ I value learning opportunities, a positive work environment and working with people. I hope to work with the best!


5. Describe a situation where you had to think on the fly

Employers want to know your adaptability and quick decision-making skills.

How can you answer ❔ During a group project, our original plan failed. I quickly assessed the situation, proposed an alternative, and led the team to success.


6. Give an example of achieving a personal goal

In this case, you can demonstrate determination and goal-setting skills.

How can you answer ❔ I set a goal to improve my coding skills. I completed online courses, practiced daily a,nd eventually created a functional web application.


7. What can you bring to the team?

Describe a situation where you put your needs aside to help others. This question shows your strengths and how they benefit the team.

How can you answer ❔ My attention to detail, creativity and strong communication skills will contribute to the team – and I can always fall back on my technical skills.


8. How do you handle feedback or constructive criticism?

The question demonstrates your openness to development. Be positive and give a concrete example.

How can you answer ❔ I appreciate feedback. In my last project, my supervisor suggested an improvement. I actively applied it and saw positive results.


9. Describe a challenging team experience

Demonstrate teamwork and conflict resolution skills.

How can you answer ❔ During a group project, we disagreed on an issue. I was trying to begin a dialogue with the other person, we found common ground and successfully completed the task.


10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Focus on your professional development. Tailor your answer to your internship experience.

How can you answer ❔ In 5 years, I see myself as a skilled programmer able to work well for the benefit of the company. This internship will help me build that foundation.

Internship Search Strategies

Searching for the perfect internship can seem overwhelming, especially if you don’t know where to start. To help beginners navigate the process, we’ve compiled a list of strategies for finding an internship that fits your goals and interests.

Browse online job boards

Many websites specialize in posting internship opportunities. Some popular ones include Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, InternMatch and Look for internships in your industry or location, or search them by specific keywords.

Attend a job fair

Job fairs are a great way to meet employers and learn about internship opportunities in your field. Check out job expos and fairs in your area and make sure they apply to your industry. Dress professionally, bring copies of your resume and be prepared for a quick conversation!


Contact your university

Many colleges and universities have career offices to help you find internship opportunities. They may have job boards, networking events or contacts with local employers. Contact your career office for guidance and resources.

Network with professionals

Networking can be a valuable way to discover internship opportunities. Attend industry events like developer or marketing meetings, trade shows and industry exhibitions to meet professionals in your field and learn about potential internships.

Use your personal network

Let your friends, family, professors and others know that you are looking for an internship. Everyone needs a little support. Your friends may have connections or know of opportunities that may be right for you.

Use social media

Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook can be useful in finding internships. Follow companies and organizations you are interested in and use relevant hashtags to search for internship opportunities.

Use your alumni network

Contact graduates of your college or university who are working in the field you are interested in. They can offer you tips or help you find internships.

Company websites

Visit the official websites of companies or organizations in which you are interested. Many of them post internship opportunities directly on their job sites. In fact, if they don’t offer internships, why not ask them why and if they’re interested.

Cold emails and networking emails

Research companies or professionals you admire. You can try sending personalized emails yourself expressing interest in interning with them. Be concise, highlight your skills and explain why you would be a great fit.

Freelancing platforms and job sites

Some internships are project-based or remote. Browse platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer or Fiverr for short-term opportunities that match your skills. You can be a de-facto intern without a contract or a deal.

Internship CV FAQ

What is a CV vs. resume?

While the term “CV” is commonly used in Europe for a brief description of work experience, in America the term “resume” is more common. A British person would probably say “uni student’s CV”, while an American would call it a college student resume.

However, in the academic or research contexts, “CV” in the USA can mean a more detailed document that includes a complete education and career history.

Do interns need a CV?

Most internship programs require a CV in the European sense of the word. It is a concise document that allows you to quickly take a look at qualifications and experience.

A long, detailed American-style CV is not suitable for beginners. Even if you’re a post-graduate student or a software engineer, intern resume doesn’t have to contain your coursework.

Can I use my resume as a CV?

Sometimes these two terms can be used interchangeably worth remembering that resumes and CVs serve slightly different purposes. A CV often contains additional information, such as publications or research experience. If you want to adapt your resume to the CV format, fill in the missing data.


A good resume is your business card, which will show the employer that you are a valuable candidate. In our text we showed you what you can do to make your resume the best it can be, how to customize it and where to look for internships.

We hope you will find our advice useful when starting your career and publishing online with Publuu!

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