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How to Make a PDF File Searchable? 5 Simple Ways

Have you ever browsed through a long PDF document, frustrated by searching for a particular detail? If so, you probably know that your readers might not always have the time to do this. That’s why you need to use searchable PDF files.

If your PDF file is a badly compressed scan, you can’t search for data in the images. You need to use optical character recognition (OCR) technology to convert the page into actual computer-understandable text. Once you have such text, Publuu flip books search engines can look through it.


In this guide, we’ll explain how to make a PDF searchable, how searching works, why some PDFs aren’t easy to search, show some of the best tools to create them, and, most importantly, how you can use them in your company.

What is a searchable PDF?

You may already know what is a PDF, but you might be wondering what makes some PDFs searchable.

A searchable PDF is not a special type of PDF file but simply a PDF in which you can find words using the “search” function.

Many PDF documents you have opened are already searchable:

  • PDF created as PDF: Many documents are designed as searchable documents in programs like Word or InDesign. This type of document-creation software preserves text as text.
  • Converted PDF: PDF files converted from another format might or might not be searchable. Importing them from MS Word can create a searchable file, but formats like Inkscape, which can also be used for page design, might be problematic. Sometimes you need to edit them or replace the PDF text.
  • Scanned PDF: Scanned documents are typically images that have been saved as a PDF. As a result, the PDF reader software sees these files as scans, not text pages. You can’t search for keywords in the text because your computer doesn’t recognize the document as text.

To alter a scanned file, you should use optical character recognition (OCR) software to convert images of letters into actual computer-understandable text. This will “unlock” the text, allowing you to search for keywords and phrases.

How to check if your PDF is searchable

Usually, it’s easy to recognize if the PDF has been made from a scan. Simply zoom in and see if the text becomes pixelated. Sometimes, however, document creators convert fonts to curves – it might look like PDF text, but it’s not searchable.

If the PDF is searchable, you can always try searching for content by pressing Ctrl+F or Command+F on macOS. Type something you see on the page – if the search does not return any results, the text is not searchable.

How do I make a PDF searchable?

1. Converting PDFs into searchable flipbooks (recommended)

One way to make your PDF searchable is to convert it into an interactive flipbook. Publuu online publications not only look great but are also easy to search in! What’s more, they’re indexed by Google crawlers, which means that the content of your PDF will appear in searches of millions of users.

  1. Upload your PDF:
    Start by uploading your PDF to Publuu.
    Upload your PDF
    or drag it here
  2. Use the search function:
    Once the file is converted, find your content easily using the search function. This allows to locate any text within your PDF.


  3. Enhance with multimedia:
    Enhance your searchable flipbooks with additional multimedia content, like photo galleries and interactive videos!

You can easily share your PDF ebooks with a single click, embed PDF in HTML on your website, or link to them on social media. Publuu can make your PDF reach beyond just publishing!

Converting scanned files to searchable PDFs

If you wonder how to make a PDF searchable, there are many options available. You can take your scanned PDF and use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to analyze the text. While there are some free options, OCR software can often be expensive. However, if you frequently work with scans or handwriting, it can be worth the investment. Here we present some methods for converting scans to a more readable format:

2. Make a PDF searchable with Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat, especially when combined with other PDF tools, can assist you in converting a scanned document to searchable text. But how do you make a PDF searchable using Adobe?

  1. Open the file:
    Launch Adobe Acrobat and open your PDF file.

  2. Access text recognition:
    Go to “Tools” and select “Scan&OCR” from the menu.

  3. Process all pages:
    Head to “Recognize Text” and choose “In this File” to ensure all pages are processed.


  4. Select output style:
    Select “Searchable Image” as the output style and click “OK” to start the process.

This will analyze your PDF and convert any scanned text or images into searchable text layers within the document. Click “Save” to save your new document. Usually, you will have to work on the text to make it legible!

Adobe also offers online tools which can help you make PDF files searchable – it’s worth trying out, especially if you already subscribe to their services.

3. Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology

Many popular tools for converting PDFs into usable text use OCR technology. If you have scanned PDFs, you should use software that analyzes graphics and can recognize text and basic shapes to make them searchable. That’s precisely what Optical Character Recognition does – the software can detect fonts, ligatures, and even handwriting in PDF documents and transform them into text form. Over the years, this technology has improved. Now, thanks to AI, many companies can digitize old documents with high efficiency.

There are many free OCR tools available online, but if you often deal with PDF format, you might need a more complex tool. Here’s our summary of some of the best tools available in the market.

Adobe Acrobat Pro

This is probably the best-known OCR tool. Comprehensive tools allow you to manage documents and scans quickly. Admittedly, even the basic Adobe package can sometimes be expensive, but Adobe also provides free PDF scanning tools on their site.

Adobe Acrobat Pro for searchable PDFs

Advantages of this software include its easy-to-use interface, comprehensive document management features, three OCR modes for different needs, and integration with Creative Cloud. However, it may be too complicated for casual users due to its range of features and potentially higher cost.

Kofax OmniPage Ultimate

This is a fairly sophisticated OCR tool that works offline and can easily scan your documents. It works quickly and efficiently, producing finished files that are easy to edit or upload to the Publuu cloud. It’s good for professionals, but unfortunately, it doesn’t provide a free trial.

Kofax OmniPage Ultimate

This software is ideal for companies that rely heavily on OCR, offering advanced features beyond basic OCR and being affordable for small businesses. However, it may be more expensive compared to some other options.

Abbyy FineReader

Abbyy is a complex suite of PDF editing and creation tools, and the OCR tool is crucial for many customers. This package can be useful for small and medium-sized businesses, and the company also provides online tools and free solutions as part of a trial offer.

Abbyy FineReader PDF

This comprehensive solution for businesses supports various tasks such as document conversion, comparison, annotation, and batch processing, and it supports multiple languages and formats. Additionally, mobile apps are available. However, it can be complicated for ordinary users looking for a simpler OCR tool.

4. Convert a PDF to a searchable PDF with Word

Microsoft Word offers basic OCR functionality – also available for free thanks to MS Office Online. Word’s OCR function may not be as accurate as dedicated OCR software, however. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Open the PDF document:
    Open a PDF document in Microsoft Word. If it’s not a Word file, the conversion starts automatically.

  2. Select conversion mode:
    If asked, select “Keep layout” to keep the original text layout.

  3. Convert the file:
    Word will convert the contents of the PDF into an editable Word document.

  4. Search the text:
    After conversion, use Word’s search function to find keywords in the text of your new PDF file.

5. How to make a PDF searchable on iOS and Android?

There are several PDF reading apps available for iOS and Android that offer built-in OCR (optical character recognition). With these apps, you can analyze scanned PDF files or even photos and convert the text to a searchable format.

Keep in mind, however, that these tools often run in the cloud, meaning you upload the file to their servers. They rarely use your phone’s processor, so you usually need an internet connection to use them. Here are some popular options:

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobar Reader edit PDF app

This free app from Adobe offers basic OCR capabilities and is available for both iPhone and Android.

Xodo PDF | PDF Reader & Annotator

xodo android ios app

This free app provides a good balance of features and ease of use, including a free OCR function.

Foxit PDF Editor

Foxit PDF Editor app

Another free option with an OCR function. It also offers features such as PDF annotation and commenting.

Why do you need searchable PDFs?

If you’re like me, you probably often need to quickly find a single detail in an extensive contract or research article. With a searchable PDF, a quick keyword search eliminates tedious scrolling and saves precious minutes (or hours!). That is always a problem when a PDF is not machine-readable – but that’s not the only benefit of making your PDF searchable.

Most PDF files that were created as PDFs are often searchable. However, this is not the rule. Sometimes there might be issues with conversion, selecting text, or characters. Older PDFs might display oddly in your preferred app. That’s why updating older PDF documents to newer formats is often a good idea.

Searchable documents enable companies to quickly find key information in legal contracts, customer records, and financial reports. This results in faster decision-making and improved productivity for everyone.

With a searchable PDF, a quick keyword search eliminates tedious scrolling and saves precious minutes (or hours!)

If you upload your PDFs online, you want crawler bots to find your content. Search engines like Google and Bing can’t read text in images. You want your content to be displayed as text to be accessible to these services!

In addition, archives of historical documents and searchable research papers make it possible to retrieve valuable information for future generations. These days, many educational institutions are using OCR technology to scan and search archives that previously existed only in paper form.

Finally, it’s worth remembering that in any organization, searchable PDF files make document sharing and collaboration easier. Team members within a company can easily locate relevant sections, leading to clearer communication and faster project completion. Learn more about how to lock a PDF with a password so that only authorized users can access it.

Common issues with PDF searchability

Although searchable PDFs are fantastic tools, you may encounter a few obstacles that prevent them from working perfectly. Here are some common search problems you may face:

1. No OCR: The most basic problem is the lack of OCR processing. If the PDF file was created by scanning a physical document, or if the text was not originally embedded as text, it will not be searchable. We have described the OCR tools you can use above.

2. Scan quality: Low-quality scans can lead to inaccurate OCR conversion. Indistinct text or scans with uneven lighting can make it difficult for the software to recognize characters correctly. It’s always a good idea to review the text yourself after using the OCR function and correct errors in a PDF editor before you upload the file to Publuu.


3. Font problems: Unusual or decorative fonts may not be recognized by the OCR software. If you can select text in an editor like Adobe Acrobat and see the font name and its color, it means the text is in the form of data, not an image. This allows search functions to read and index the content. If you can select text in an editor and copy it to another document, it confirms that the text is searchable. You can read more on how to prepare texts for flipbooks in our help site.

4. Image-based content: Charts, diagrams, and graphs embedded in a PDF file are treated as images and will not be searchable unless the OCR software has special features to extract text from them.

5. Language issues: OCR software may not be optimized for all languages. If the PDF file is in a language not supported by the software, searchability may be affected, especially if it uses characters not present in standard alphabets.


Increase PDF availability and engagement with Publuu

Even if you’ve already created a search-ready PDF, adding unique features to make it easier to navigate and more enjoyable to browse is a good idea. Publuu not only converts your PDFs into eye-pleasing flipbooks but enhances search capabilities in the source text.

Imagine your readers searching for a specific term in your Publuu flipbook and instantly getting to the right section. They can then easily return to the table of contents or explore related content. You can add hotspots that allow readers to quickly navigate to the main text, index, or even relevant websites outside of the flipbook. This greatly expands your search capabilities and provides resources at your readers’ fingertips.

Publuu flipbooks are indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing. So if someone discovers your content while searching the Internet, Publuu’s search capabilities will allow them to find the information they are looking for.

Our well-developed analytics system allows you to find out what elements of your flipbooks are most frequently read. This way, you can understand your audience’s needs and adjust your content accordingly.


Dealing with non-searchable PDFs makes you waste your time, and the time of your workers and customer. Try creating searchable documents whenever possible!

To do so, you can use OCR tools that convert image-based documents into searchable text. You can choose free online options for casual use – including options like Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word – or more sophisticated paid software if you need more features.

A good choice is to enhance your search capabilities with Publuu. Our platform not only transforms boring PDF files into interactive, beautiful flipbooks but takes your searches to the next level. Among our features, you’ll find extended web search capabilities and interactive hotspots that provide additional information with a single click.

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