Top Tips To Prepare Virtual Presentation

Virtual meetings and presentations have become the standard in today’s times. While many presenting skills and best practices are transferrable across in-person and virtual presentations, competent virtual presenters recognize the critical nature of adapting their approach to the medium.

With in-person presentations, you have a captive audience – you must still engage your audience, but they are essentially trapped with you for the duration. However, with virtual presentations, your audience has a larger chance of wandering. While applications like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams have gained popularity for online meetings, there are many other reliable applications and websites such as , where it is possible to create nice and modern material in the form of a multimedia presentation , which can be sent to the client or presented during a remote meeting.

You must now fight for their eyes, ears, hearts, and brains against shortening attention spans, greater distractions in personal and professional lives, and clashing priorities.


Publuu makes it simple to build interactive flipbooks . You can turn a PDF into a flip book by adding branding, customizing the backdrop and colors, and including interactive hotspots. The cool thing is that the flipbooks made with have vector-quality ( the best possible in digital world) fonts. You can share your interactive flipbooks by emailing it, posting it on social media, or embedding it on your website. After that you can track how many time they spend on each page of your flipbook!

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MAKE YOUR OWN is also very helpful for creating materials for virtual presentations, because it looks really good and attracts attention. Usually it looks much better than a standard Power Point presentation.

What Distinguishes Virtual Presentations From Regular Presentations?

Virtual presentation

It’s easy to believe that the same principles that govern live presentations also apply to virtual presentations. In fact, the two need quite different ways to maintain spectator engagement throughout the presentation. There are two significant distinctions between virtual and traditional presentations:

Virtual presentations face more competition from distractions

Participants seeing a virtual presentation are significantly more susceptible to distraction than a regular meeting participant viewing the information in the same room as the presenter would be. In-office presentations often take place in a conference room, which provides a controlled setting with fewer distractions, making it easier to focus on the speaker’s body language and what he or she is saying. The setting is very different with virtual presentation.

Frequently, viewers are muted (video or audio), making it far more difficult for presenters to determine who is interacting with the information. At any point during the presentation, participants may be answering a phone call, checking email, perusing social media, or just multitasking out of boredom, all of which the presenter is unaware of.

Scalability is increased with virtual presentations

Virtual presentations enable you to present to a larger number of people simultaneously, facilitated by group video conferencing systems such as Lifesize, which support meetings with hundreds of participants. To participate, meeting participants just need an internet-connected device, significantly reducing logistics in comparison to a standard in-office presentation, which often entails arranging travel arrangements, blocking a few days for travel, and renting a conference room. Even then, until the meeting starts, you cannot be certain that everyone will be on time and at the agreed upon day and time.

While virtual presentations are handy, they are not always simple for you or your audience members. We’ve all felt the agony of botched virtual presentations due to poor audio or video quality or presenters who are unsure how to navigate settings for sharing information. Additionally, when you are not directly addressing an audience, you must work twice as hard to build a connection and maintain their attention. This is how you do it.

Virtual Presentation Tips- How To Prepare For Virtual Presentation?

virtual presentation - preparation

Conduct Pre-tests on Your Equipment

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been in an online conference where someone presented for many minutes without realizing their microphone was muted or their material was not shown on the screen. It’s an unpleasant experience for both the presenter and the audience, but one that’s fortunately rather straightforward to avoid.

Make sure to test your mic, screen sharing, and camera 5-10 minutes prior to going live with your next virtual presentation. This enables you to determine what is working and what is not and to correct the problem. Additionally, this is an excellent moment to inspect your illumination to verify that your video feed is clean and ready for prime time.

Get Close to Your Webcam

You want your face, neck, and shoulders to be framed by the camera. Because people are attracted to faces, you don’t want to lose that connection by being too close, but you also don’t want your face to fill up the whole screen like a severed skull, because it looks bizarre. Become familiar with your placement and distance.

If feasible, utilize a standing desk or arrange your laptop so that you can stand with your computer at eye level. Standing up gives an increase in energy and drives our bodies into a moreb presentation-like posture. If you are unable to stand, lean forward as if you were delivering a presentation at a genuine conference or as if you were a television news presenter. Avoid slouching away from the camera, since this communicates to the viewer that you are detached.

Become a “Television Personality”

Direct your gaze directly into your camera, not at the screen. Wear neutral-colored clothes . Properly and from above, illuminate oneself. Bear in mind what appears in the backdrop behind you. Invest in a high-quality microphone. In addition bear in mind, the body language in virtual presentations (broadcasted by the webcam) is very limited, but it is worth remembering about it and use it .

Provide Specifics

Ask specific questions to prevent having too many individuals respond simultaneously. Rather than asking, “Are there any questions?” for instance, ask, “Who has a query concerning the answer I provided?” Establish a ground rule requiring individuals to announce their names before to speaking.

Maintain Synchronization

Transitions are necessary. When you proceed from point to point, you must make a connection between what you have just stated and what is coming next. Transitions between subjects and slides are excellent chances to reengage your audience with your presentation.

Maintain Your Pace

Without real-time visible audience feedback signals, it might be difficult to maintain an appropriate pace. While you want to include some movement and enthusiasm into your presentation, avoid speeding. it up excessively. If you are a rapid talker in real life, try speaking more slowly. If you are a slow speaker, you may choose to increase your pace somewhat.

Conduct A Sound Audit

People will tune out if your voice is distorted. While consumers may overlook less-than-perfect footage, they will leave if they cannot properly hear you. Practise your presenting skills with someone on the opposite side of the presentation platform. Ascertain that your sound is audible. Occasionally, headphones or external microphones perform better than the computer’s audio, but not always. Because each platform is unique, ensure that your sound quality is consistently outstanding. Furthermore, you should rehearse using the same technical setups and location as your presentation.

Prepare Yourself

In advance of your discussion, practice giving your presentation using your technology. Ascertain that all of the technology’s features function properly. Utilize your tool’s recording capability to capture your practice. Observe and listen to see what works and what may be improved.

Be Assisted

Maintain a contact person to handle technical difficulties and to receive email/text concerns. Additionally, if you have a large number of remote audience members in one area, designate one of them as your “eyes and ears.” Solicit their assistance in queuing inquiries and facilitating conversation on your behalf.

Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Stable

If feasible, use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to your modem. This will provide you with the strongest signal and the most steady connection possible. The last thing you want to happen during your presentation is for your internet connectivity to be poor or inconsistent.

Evaluating and Making improvements

If feasible, record the session and take the time to review it to identify areas where you excelled and places where you may improve. Great presenters, whether virtual or live, recognize the need of always polishing their skill. Make a point of recognizing both your skills and weaknesses.

Maintain Your Individuality While Having Fun

Audiences engage with authenticity, just as they do with face-to-face presentations, so be yourself! Allow your individuality to shine. Have some fun. If you seem to be enjoying the presentation, others will as well.

Close any windows that are not required

Before sharing your screen, ensure that you have prepared the material you want to offer. The opening few seconds of your presentation are important for connecting with your audience, and no one appreciates seeing a speaker race uncomfortably to locate their presentation on a crowded desktop or, worse, mistakenly disclosing sensitive or personal information presented by another program.

Additionally, if you’re presenting to many audiences with the same presentation, ensure that each slide is relevant and personalized to the room. Distracting the viewer with a series of generic slides that have not been customized for their company, job function, or goals makes you seem unprepared, providing the ideal opportunity for the audience to shut out what you have to say. Whenever you do this, you disrupt the flow of your presentation and your audience’s propensity to stay until the end.

Solicit the audience’s commitment to an interruption-free meeting

Numerous remote firms have an unwritten rule: while you’re not presenting, silence your mike. It’s possible for an ambulance, so before you begin, request that participants turn off their microphones until you’re ready for Q&A. Fortunately, many video conferencing services enable conference presenters to muffle participants’ microphones in order to have a more in-control meeting experience. Additionally, muting assists speakers in maintaining the attention of meeting members by indicating when their time to speak will be.

It’s also usual for completely remote and dispersed teams to advise meeting attendees to refrain from multitasking and to quiet their phones for the length of the meeting. This produces a meeting setting that is more akin to an in-office meeting, with less distractions vying for the audience’s attention with the speaker.

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