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What are E-zines and How To Publish One?

E-zines combine the convenience of a digital magazine with the depth and complexity of print, creating a unique reading experience for a variety of interests. They can range from online versions of print magazines to digital-only publications. You can find online magazines dedicated to fashion, lifestyle, technology, art, literature, travel, and more. Readers can find a huge collection of articles, features, interviews, and visuals tailored to their interests with just a few clicks.

E-zines offer an alternative to traditional print magazines with instant access features, interactive features, and the ability to browse on multiple devices, interactive graphics, videos, and even music.

There is something for everyone in e-zines, from avid enthusiasts to curious readers looking for new perspectives. In this article, we’ll explain what are these online magazines, how you create them and what are their advantages and disadvantages.

What is an E-zine?

E-zine stands for “electronic magazine.” It is a digital publication that looks and behaves like a traditional print magazine but can be read and shared online using the world wide web on phones and computers. It combines the ease and convenience of the Internet with the readability and versatility of magazines.

Unlike traditional print magazines, e-zines exist only in the digital world and can be read on computers, smartphones, and tablets, among others. They often have interactive features, multimedia elements, and links to related content that make reading more enjoyable and allow readers to learn more about a topic.

man reading an e-zine on tablet

E-zines give writers, photographers, illustrators, and other creative people a place to show off their work and reach people around the world. They provide an opportunity for people who want to get noticed in their fields to show off their skills. They’re also a great place for marketing and advertising since they can reach initial non-mainstream targets.

What is the Difference Between an E-zine and a Magazine?

Most magazines are printed on paper and sold in stores, on newsstands, or through the mail – e-zines are digital magazines that are only available online through websites, email newsletters, or other digital platforms.

Magazines are in physical form with pages that readers can flip through. The size, layout, and binding are the same for each issue – for example, in the U.S. they are Letter size, and in Europe, they are A4 or B4.

E-zines, on the other hand, are digital versions of magazines that people can read on computers, smartphones, or tablets. An e-zine can be created in the form of a flipbook, but it can also be a website, with each article being its separate web page. The whole site uses hyperlinks, so an e-zine can easily be created by anyone at a low cost. Many original online magazines started as websites updated monthly!

One of the best things about e-zines is that they can include videos, interactive images, audio clips, and links. Compared to traditional print magazines, these features keep the reader more interested and offer a more immersive reading experience.

What should be included in E-zines?

If you don’t have a clear example of how to create a magazine, you can check out our list of magazine ideas here. E-zines usually contain well-written texts on a variety of topics that provide valuable information, insights, and analysis. These articles can include news, current events, in-depth profiles, interviews, opinion articles, or instructional content. You can illustrate them by adding photos, illustrations, infographics, and other multimedia. They add visual interest, engage readers and support written content.

Many e-zines have regular columns or sections devoted to specific topics: advice columns, opinion articles, travel guides, fashion trends, technology updates, and more. E-zines often include interactive features to enhance the reading experience. Clickable links, embedded video or audio files, slideshows, quizzes, polls, and other interactive elements encourage reader participation, just like in the example below:

Publuu’s e-zine example

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Readers should be able to easily navigate through e-zines, and can find interesting articles and topics with clear headings, a table of contents, and linked articles.

Are E-zines Self-Published?

There are both self-published and company-published e-zines. Independent creators, small businesses, non-profit organizations, online communities, and established media outlets can publish e-zines. Many traditional publishing houses also provide digital versions of their magazines. You can publish a zine as a digital version of an existing magazine, or create one as a person from scratch – the versatility of e-zines is their great asset.

Where Can I Distribute E-zines?

E-zines usually have a website or blog where readers can download the latest issues. This gives you full control over the publication and makes it easy for readers to discover and engage with the content.

You can also publicize zines on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Flipbooks from Publuu integrate well with these platforms, making each new issue a pleasure to read.

fashion e-zine on tablet

How to Create an E-zine?

Creating an online magazine requires a combination of creativity, organization, and technical skills.

Start by determining the purpose and audience of your e-zine. Consider who will read it and whether they will be interested in the content you have to share. Plan the content of each issue. Choose articles, features, visuals, and interactive elements.

Create or order compelling content for your e-zine. Write articles, interview people, create videos, and gather other information. Your webzine should be well-researched, engaging, and relevant to your audience.

Create an engaging, brand-appropriate e-zine design. Consider layout, typography, color, and aesthetics. One important choice for designers and publishers is to choose the appropriate fonts: here you can find guidelines on picking fonts for a web magazine.

After you’ve created the final page design and layout, you can convert your magazine to PDF and upload it to Publuu .

Why Should I Make an E-zine?

Many people create an e-zine out of passion, just to share their passion with a wider audience and showcase their ideas to a global audience. You control the content, design, and direction of your e-zine. You can try different formats, niche topics, and reader feedback to change your e-zine. Your e-zine can reflect your vision and goals with this creative freedom.

But even professionals can benefit from creating an e-zine. E-zines are cheaper to publish than print magazines. Digital publishing reduces printing, distribution, and inventory costs, which lets you focus on content creation and promotion.

Publishing an e-zine makes you an authority in your field. It can showcase your work and attract clients, collaborators, and employers who value your expertise and dedication.

woman reading e-zine on tablet


In conclusion, e-zines have revolutionized the way we consume and engage with magazines. With their digital format, e-zines offer convenience, interactivity, and a wealth of diverse content for readers worldwide. They provide a platform for creative individuals to showcase their work, while also serving as a valuable marketing tool for businesses. The ability to easily distribute and share e-zines online, coupled with their immersive features, makes them a compelling alternative to traditional print magazines.

Whether you’re a passionate enthusiast or a professional seeking to reach a wider audience, creating an e-zine can open doors to new opportunities and establish your authority in your field. So, why not embark on your e-zine journey and tap into the endless possibilities of this digital medium?

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