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Employee Newsletter: Comprehensive Guide

Most experts agree that effective internal communication is the foundation of any thriving company. Among the wide range of communication tools, the company newsletter stands out. The employee newsletter allows the spreading of key information among all employees. Using the power of an engaging and well-crafted internal employee newsletter can be crucial in ensuring that your company succeeds. You can’t let a monthly bulletin go unnoticed or, worse, end up in the virtual trash garbage can.

In our post, you’ll find valuable advice to enhance your approach to employee newsletters. We’ll explain what employee newsletters are, how to create an effective employee newsletter and provide great employee newsletter ideas. We promise that our newsletter creator will increase employee engagement thanks to our innovative flipbooks.

Online newsletter on laptop

What is an employee newsletter?

An employee newsletter is a periodic publication through which companies communicate with their employees.

In the body of an email or PDF flipbook, you can include articles and content to inform employees about company news, events, and policies. Employee newsletters can also be used to boost employee morale, keep employees engaged, and foster a sense of community. The company newsletter can describe company news (such as a tutorial on how to use new software), introduce key employees, and help them prepare for important events (the opening of a new season or a company trip to a trade show). If you’re looking for a way to engage employees and keep them informed, consider starting an employee newsletter.

Publuu’s newsletter example

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The role of employee newsletter

The employee newsletter plays a key role in effective communication, and fostering employee engagement, and might help encourage them to learn more about their workplace. A newsletter help your employees communicate with each other, share their opinions, and help introduce new employees to the company culture, policies, and team members. A newsletter encourages employees to engage with their superiors and each other, as long as you keep your employees informed in a friendly, natural way.

Employee newsletters can also reinforce the company’s values, mission, and culture, creating a unified brand identitand remindingnd employees to align their behavior with the organization’s goals. By reading the employee newsletter, a new employee can learn what the company has already accomplished. You can learn more about what is a company newsletter in our Knowledge Base.

Woman reading employee newsletter online

Key advantages of employee newsletters

Central information source

Employee newsletters serves as a source of information, keeping all employees aligned with the latest company developments and strategies. With one copy of the company newsletter available to everyone, you can easily eliminate the risk of miscommunication. This centralized approach not only increases transparency in a company. A company newsletter also fosters a sense of unity within the organization, as well as streamlines communication processes, and reduces the time wasted on misunderstandings.

Community engagement

Employee newsletters bolster the community by sharing success stories and celebrating individual contributions, reinforcing the collective identity of your company. Employee newsletters can create a real sense of community within the organization. You could, for example, introduce new software in the first issue and then give employees space to comment on its pros and cons to receive more employee feedback from your staff. You can learn more about company newsletter ideas in our guide – which will help you create employee newsletters that draw more attention.

Happy engaged coworkers employees

Dealing information overload

With a curated approach, newsletters limit the overload of information by providing a one-stop communication channel. In today’s dynamic digital world, employees are constantly bombarded with information from multiple sources. This can lead to distraction, reduced productivity, and even loss of engagement. Employee newsletters help combat this problem by providing a select and concise source of company-related information, allowing employees to focus on their core tasks and responsibilities.

Boost in engagement and productivity

Informed employees are engaged employees; employee newsletters have been shown to enhance staff motivation and, consequently, improve organizational performance. When employees are kept informed about company developments, they feel more connected to the organization and are more willing to invest in its success – especially if they are shareholders or cooperative members. Newsletters can also be used to promote company initiatives, recognize employee contributions, and share best practices, all of which contribute to a more engaged and productive workforce.

Connectivity for remote employees

As the workforce disperses geographically, employee newsletters serve as a bridge, integrating remote employees into the corporate fold. By providing a regular and consistent source of information and engagement, newsletters ensure that remote workers feel included and valued. Newsletters can also be used to highlight the achievements and contributions of remote workers, demonstrating their importance to the success of the organization.

What should be included in an employee newsletter?

An effective employee newsletter should strike a balance between informing and engaging employees. To keep employee engagement high, your company newsletter can’t be a boring list of new hires or new procedures that they must follow. You need more engaging employee newsletter ideas that contain both employee-focused content and internal communications.

What should be included in an employee newsletter

Informative content should include:

  • Company updates: Use your employee newsletter to share important company news, upcoming events, and strategic initiatives to keep employees aligned and informed.

  • Industry news: Share relevant industry trends, developments, and case studies to broaden employees’ knowledge and keep them up-to-date.

  • Company policies and procedures: Provide updates on company policies, procedures, and benefits to remind employees about the latest information.

Engaging content for an employee newsletter should include:

  • Employee stories: Share personal stories and profiles of employees, highlighting their unique experiences, backgrounds, and contributions to the company.

  • Wellness tips and resources: Provide information on health, fitness, stress management, and work-life balance to keep the employee morale high.

  • Fun and engaging features: Include quizzes, puzzles, contests, and lighthearted content to make the newsletter more enjoyable and engaging. Remember, you want employees to read your company newsletter!

We have also many more fun employee newsletter ideas described below! See our Knowledge Base for more details!

What to avoid in an employee newsletter

What should you avoid in a newsletter?

To make sure your newsletter is valuable and resonates with your audience, avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Overwhelming the reader with text. Especially as a flipbook, a newsletter needs to look good. Break up large blocks of text with eye-catching visual elements such as images, infographics, and videos.

  • Overly promotional content: While you can promote your company’s initiatives or products, avoid turning the company newsletter into a sales pitch. As the name implies, the employee newsletter is meant to inform employees – they know they are doing a good job. Save the selling stuff for your customers!

  • Ignore employee diversity and inclusion: Consider the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and viewpoints of your employees. Even smaller companies need to respect the various employee creeds, and backgrounds and make sure their internal newsletter content is inclusive and relevant to everyone.

Strategies for effective newsletters

Diverse content mix

Incorporate a variety of content such as performance metrics, employee achievements, and industry insights, coupled with interactive elements like polls and contests to drive engagement. The newsletter should provide industry knowledge to expand employees’ knowledge and keep them up to date on industry trends and events. Enhance the newsletter with interactive elements such as surveys and contests – remember, a newsletter can’t be a chore.

Consistent delivery

Maintain a regular distribution schedule to establish a reliable communication cadence. Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, stick to a consistent frequency to keep the employee newsletter top of mind among employees. Regular deliveries build expectations and ensure that employees receive timely updates, company events, news, and other engaging content.

Mobile-first design

Ensure that the company newsletters are optimized for mobile viewing to meet the modern employee’s on-the-go lifestyle. Remember that today’s employees are constantly connected and often access information on their mobile devices – so be sure your newsletters are optimized for viewing on smartphones and tablets. Use responsive design to adapt the layout and format of your company newsletters to different screen sizes – or you can rely on Publuu flipbooks which can let you format your newsletter as a beautiful, intuitive flipbook with a realistic page-turning effect.

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Impact assessment

Leverage analytics such as open and click-through rates to refine content and format for maximum reach and engagement. Analyze the data to determine which topics and formats are most effective and which may need improvement. Use these insights – like the Publuu analytics data – to refine your content strategy, format, and overall approach.

How to create a newsletter for employees?

One of the best ideas for creating an engaging newsletter is to use engaging and interactive PDF flipbooks. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, the newsletter creator for Publuu can easily turn a PDF employee newsletter into an eye-catching and informative digital publication. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a newsletter :

1. Gather your content

Start by gathering all the content you want to include in your newsletter, such as company events, employee stories, industry news, employee profiles, and engaging visuals. Make sure the company newsletter ideas are well-organized and formatted for easy conversion to a PDF document.

2. Create a PDF document

Once you have your employee newsletter ideas ready, compile them into a single PDF document. You don’t have to be a professional graphic designer – smaller businesses can start with programs like MS Word or Scribus to create great-looking PDFs. You must use a consistent design and layout throughout the company newsletter to maintain a professional and visually appealing presentation.

3. Import the PDF file into Publuu

Register a Publuu account and upload your PDF document with your company newsletter. Publuu will automatically convert your PDF file into an interactive flipbook. When we convert your employee newsletter, you can customize its background or logo.

ebook creating

4. Enrich your flipbook with Publuu features

Publuu offers a variety of features to enhance your flipbook and make it more engaging for your employees. You can create unique employee newsletter elements such as videos, audio file, and interactive hotspots to make your content more dynamic and eye-catching.

You can ask for employee feedback with Google Forms, link to e-mails of superiors to encourage employees to send them emails or let other employees comment on the text using intranet forums. Publuu’s multimedia features let you increase employee engagement thanks to the amazing versatility of the flipbook format.

5. Share your flipbook with your employees

Once you are satisfied with your employee newsletter flipbook, share it with your employees via email, or social media, or post it directly to your company’s intranet. You can embed it in the body of an email or create a digital archive with Publuu – we give you many opportunities for internal communication.

Sharing newsletter communication

Best employee newsletter ideas for your company

There are many employee newsletter ideas around and you can use them to increase your employee engagement. Whether you want to inform your workers about upcoming events or help them with the company culture, you can use these company newsletter ideas to make your employees engaged!

Training and recruitment

Demonstrate your commitment to employee development by highlighting available training and career development programs. Keep your employees informed about upcoming training courses, conferences, webinars, tuition reimbursement opportunities, and other professional development initiatives.

If you want, you can also mention opportunities to promote within the company or recruit new employees – if you offer employees a recruitment bonus, discuss this in a new article in your employee newsletter.

Flipbook company newsletter example

Exposing the truth: responding to rumors

Rumors can spread rapidly, potentially causing confusion and anxiety among employees. Address this issue directly by dedicating a section of your employee newsletter to “Overheard/Through the Grapevine/Gossip” comments – even if it doesn’t exactly match your company culture.

Use the platform offered by the employee newsletter to clear up any misunderstandings, debunk false rumors, and provide accurate information on important issues. Fake news can be dangerous even as company news.

Videos and illustrations

Publuu allows you to add animated GIFs and YouTube videos to increase engagement and convey information in a more captivating way. Videos can effectively convey leadership messages, introduce new products or services, highlight employee achievements, and provide training tutorials. Choose concise and informative videos that fit the overall theme of the employee newsletter and the target audience.

Trivia: Adding a touch of irreverence

Inject a dose of fun and carefree into your newsletter by sharing interesting and engaging facts. Interesting infographics can depict company history, industry trends, employee milestones, or funny anecdotes. People enjoy reading Top 10 lists or viewing infographics – and your employee newsletter ideas should involve engaging content and fun ideas.

Company employee newsletter example layout

Build excitement with company-wide contests

Invigorate your employees with stimulating contests and challenges. Design contests that encourage participation, promote teamwork, and align with company values. Offer attractive prizes to motivate employees and generate excitement throughout the organization.


The vitality of employee newsletters in the corporate sphere cannot be overstated. An employee newsletter not only disseminates relevant information but also fosters a sense of unity and community within the organization.

We hope that our employee newsletter ideas will help you optimize employee newsletters that go beyond the realm of mere information dissemination into vibrant centers of interaction and engagement.

By harnessing the potential embodied in these strategies and ideas for company newsletters, companies can foster employees who are not only informed about company events but also form a real community.

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How to Write an Email Newsletter – Top Tips and Advice
Email Newsletter Design: 5 Ways to Make Your Email Stand Out

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