
RacerTales Issue 01

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Racer Tales ISSUE 01 • 3

Art and entrepreneurship are often viewed

as distinct domains, some may perceive

authors and artists as being far removed from

entrepreneurship; however, a closer inspection

reveals a compelling overlap between the

two. According to the Cambridge Dictionary's

definition of 'entrepreneur,' individuals who

leverage their creative talents to generate

income and gradually evolve their craft into

a sustainable business venture embody the

essence of entrepreneurship. This definition

underscores that artists, when navigating the

economic landscape with their artistic prowess,

indeed embody entrepreneurial spirit.

The fusion of artistic passion and entrepreneurial

spirit has become paramount for aspiring

artists to thrive. Recognizing this need, FIIB in

collaboration with CommonTime (an online arts

learning platform) has pioneered an innovative

initiative – ‘The Art of Arts Entrepreneurship

Program’ – a platform designed to empower

budding artists with the skills and mindset

necessary to navigate the complex intersection

of art and business. At the heart of the program

lies the belief that creativity and commerce

are not mutually exclusive, but rather

complementary forces that, when harnessed

effectively, can propel artists towards success

in today's competitive market.

Through a blend of seminars, students

enrolled in the program are equipped with

a multifaceted toolkit tailored to the unique

challenges and opportunities within the

creative sphere.

The program places a strong emphasis on

developing entrepreneurial acumen. In this

10-week online seminar, students will gain

essential entrepreneurial skills, business

acumen, and marketing strategies. By learning

how to effectively communicate their artistic

vision, identify target audiences, pricing their

artwork for the global economy; students are

empowered to transform their creative passions

into viable career opportunities. Central to the

program’s success is its network of mentors and


The program encourages interdisciplinary

collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas.

The program will have guest lectures from

Mr Brajesh Jha, senior executive at GenPact;

Ms Alissa Schoenfeld, senior director at Miles

McEnery Gallery in New York City; Mr Adrian

Werum, founder and artistic director of the

Orchester der Kulturen (the World Orchestra) in

Stuttgart and Mr Huzefa Tavawalla, head of the

Bangalore office and Disruptive Technologies

Practice at Nishith Desai Associate.

By engaging with instructors from diverse

backgrounds and disciplines, participants are

exposed to fresh perspectives and innovative

approaches. As we navigate an increasingly

digital and interconnected world, the Art

of Arts Entrepreneurship Program equips

students with the skills and mindset necessary

to thrive in the creative economy of the 21st

century. By nurturing creativity, fostering

innovation, inculcating design thinking

and instilling entrepreneurial resilience, the

program empowers aspiring artists to not

only dream big but also to turn their dreams

into tangible reality. In essence, the Art of

Arts Entrepreneurship Program embodies

FIIB’s commitment to fostering a culture of

innovation and creativity.

- by Dr Akansha Jain

Nurturing Creativity: The Art of Arts

Entrepreneurship Program

Discover FIIB’s collaborative initiative with CommonTime to empower artists with

entrepreneurial skills and confidence.

Ms Christine Matovich

Founder, CommonTime

Dr Jeff Levenberg

Director of Course Design,


When Fortune Institute of International

Business invited CommonTime teaching

artists to offer creative perspectives to

their PhD and MBA candidates, both

organizations recognized an opportunity.

It led to the co-development of The Art

of Arts Entrepreneurship seminar. Artists

need business acumen, and business

leaders need creativity. Together, each one

strengthens the skills of the other. For FIIB

and CommonTime, it likewise

reflects how businesses can collaborate

across continents (India, Germany, and US)

for the greater good.”

“ The global creative economy is worth

trillions of dollars every year and yet

many artists find it a perpetual struggle to

contribute to that economy.”


Dr Kokil Jain

Dean, Research & Outreach, FIIB

Artists deserve their fair share in the two-

trillion-dollar creative economy, and FIIB-CT

collectively believes in the power of art to

shape the world. This one-of-a-kind seminar

provides artists with new business skills, a

supportive network, and the confidence

to build their art business to sustainable


For more information about the program

scan the QR Code or Click Here

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