
RacerTales Issue 01

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Racer Tales ISSUE 01 • 2

Dear Community,

As the spring breeze breathes new life into our vibrant community, we’re excited to introduce

something new with a meaningful touch of substance and inspiration: RacerTales, our new

monthly magazine edition set to replace the erstwhile Fortune Cookies. With RacerTales, we’re

bringing up a fresh perspective with a hint of old tradition, offering a moment of pause and

enjoyment amidst your busy everyday life.

For three decades, “RACERS” has been synonymous with ambition, knowledge pursuit, and

unwavering commitment to excellence at FIIB. It isn’t just a title; it’s an acronym that encapsulates

our core values: Results, Action, Change, Excellence, Relationships, and Solutions. It’s a badge of

honor that embodies our collective spirit and drives us to push boundaries, embrace challenges,

and achieve greatness together.

A magazine is not all we have to offer; RacerTales is an inaugural canvas of our RACERS community’s

experiences, accomplishments, and dreams, offering something for everyone—students, alumni,

corporate partners, and academics alike. You can stay in the loop about upcoming FIIB events

and happenings, especially around the

rich conversations and research insights

emanating from our campus; Get to read

pieces by accomplished thought leaders;

Accept our heartfelt gratitude for the

amazing contributions that some of you

are making each month in shaping our

journey. Enjoy a down-to-earth reading

experience that connects you to your

FIIB family.

After you’ve finished reading, don’t forget

to spread the word! Share RacerTales with

friends, colleagues, and anyone who

might enjoy our stories. Together, let’s

empower and inspire our ever-growing


Message from

the Executive Director

Your thoughts are invaluable to us!


Whether you have feedback on our latest edition, want to contribute your story, or are

interested in advertising opportunities, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us

at newsdesk@fiib.edu.in to share your thoughts.

With Warmest Wishes,

Prof. Radhika Shrivastava

Executive Director, FIIB

Editorial Board

Head Editors

Section Editors


Dr Akansha Jain

Dr Manish Kamdar (Department of Strategic Initiatives)

Dr Purnima Rao (Alumni Relations)

Mr Imran Khan (Alumni Relations)

Ms Shruti Chandra (FBR Office)

Ms Shilpa Lalwani (Research Office)

Ms Ridhima Koul (Industry Connect)

Mr Siddhant Rathour (Student Relations)

Mr Rohit Kumar

Ms Shivani Sharma

Ms Lavisha Chawla

Dr Sakshi Kathuria





LinkedIn Mentions











Nurturing Creativity: The Art of

Arts Entrepreneurship Program

FIIB's 13th Responsibility Summit:

Emphasizing Action with


Campus Highlights

Strategic Thinking and Decision

Making in a Disruptive World

Alumni Thought Leadership


Bridging the Climate Divide:

Safeguarding the Financial Future

Amidst Environmental Uncertainity

Thank You Letters



Industry Gratitude Board

Alumni Gratitude Board

Research Dialogues

Research Spotlight

Shaping FIIB2030 Strategic Plan

SIP Mela: A Celebration of

Sustainability and Societal Impact

Samavesh 2024: An Extravaganza of

Intellect, Talent and Culture

Manthan 4.0: Empowering Through



FIIB Business Review Spotlight


Student Reflection


My MBA Journey: A Story of

Aspirations, Networking and Growth

Gong Ceremony: All Loud and Clear

Alumni Classnotes



On the Front

FIIB students are presenting their social

internship reports to Dr Sanjana Simon, a

writer and a trans rights activist.

On the Back

Students from Ramjas College, Delhi

University, performing their street play

at the Nukkad Natak competition during

Samavesh 2024.

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