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Lead Capture Tips

If you are working in social media marketing or SEO marketing it’s not unlikely that you put in a lot of effort to drive traffic to your website. But the biggest challenge comes after visitors arrive on your website and it’s time to capture and convert them. That’s why lead capture pages are crucial for lead generation – you need to convince your audience to establish this connection.

Converting the sheer amount of traffic on your page is not only one of the most difficult challenges that marketers face, but it is also a top priority for social media marketers. Lead capture is crucial for modern marketing and most professionals can help you capture leads and increase lead quality.

Lead generation is an important part of developing an efficient lead capture process. This critical step focuses on gathering vital contact information and data provided by your prospective buyers. You need to devise an effective method for gathering prospective customers‘ contact information. This allows you to establish trust, demonstrate what you have to offer, and eventually convert your visitors into paying customers.

This lead capture guide reveals the best practices and tactics for converting and capturing leads on your website. Read on to learn exactly what you have to do to create lead capture forms and what marketing tools to use to start capturing leads!

What is lead capture?

What is lead capture?

When a visitor becomes a lead, your website has just performed a successful lead capture. It’s common practice to do this using the lead capture forms, landing pages that gather leads, and checkout pages in online stores. You can run a multitude of marketing campaigns to maximize your lead capture efficiency.

Customers‘ information is gathered usually thanks to a lead capture form , a lead capture form, like the one available in Publuu’s flipbooks. By offering clients valuable content in return for their contact information (such as access to your ebook, online catalog , guide, discount coupon, or product demo), lead capture forms can acquire contact information.

For various marketing strategies, lead capture pages can also serve as specialized landing pages. Visitors to lead capture sites are provided with information and enticed to submit their information to generate leads. Lead capture forms are often used to gather this kind of data.

How can you capture leads with Publuu

Publuu - Lead capture forms builder

With Publuu Flipbooks‘ new functionality, you can effortlessly collect high-quality leads from your PDF files viewers. Lead capture forms, a fantastic new marketing tool available on our website, enable you to create a database of reader emails for newsletters, contact, and more complicated marketing initiatives and lead generation.

Our new lead form extensions enable you to collect contact information from readers, subscribers, and business partners. Converting your PDF to a digital flipbook can transform it into an easy and efficient lead generation tool. Just ask your readers to sign up or leave their e-mails in exchange for a great eBook with a fantastic page-turning effect. Just like this example below.

Click on it to see an example of embedded lead form

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This lead capture form will increase the efficiency of your lead generation marketing initiatives and will be able to turn your flipbook into a real lead magnet. It enables you to gather leads from inside your content. This kind of form may be instantly added to your online magazine or free ebook, allowing you to simply upload your content, including a lead form, and offer visitors to share their contact information in return for access to valuable content.

Along with gathering information about potential consumers, the lead form in your flipbook will assists you in acquiring new subscribers and generating further leads. A well-designed lead form may benefit your internet marketing strategy in a variety of ways. If you haven’t already upgraded your flipbook with this fantastic lead generating tool, now is the time to do it!

What is the lead funnel?

What is the lead funnel?

To understand how lead capture works, you need to understand what is the lead funnel or marketing funnel. Your website, blog, or social media pages are where a potential customer first learns about your company. Your call to action (CTA) — a picture, button, or text that urges them to redeem your attractive offer in return for their contact information — is then clicked by the customer. You want to collect contact information to be able to contact your customers in the future.

The visitor leaves their data, becoming a lead. You capture leads and now your sales team can build a database of potential customers. You can target them with a company newsletter or a similar marketing campaign, offer them better offers or the ability to return to their purchase in the future.

Once the leads gain to choose your services, they can become customers and in the future, brand ambassadors and fans if you prefer to. Creating a marketing funnel and understanding how it works can help you meet marketing campaign goals in the future!

Create a lead capture page

You can easily place your lead capture form inside a Publuu flipbook, but you don’t have to rely on our services and software. Instead, you can create a lead capture page.

Lead generation ebook

What is a lead capture page? It’s a simple page that’s designed to persuade visitors to take some kind of action. The activity may be purchasing something, joining up for something, or downloading something. Whatever that is, that person leaves a trail that can help you capture leads in the future and lead capture pages are the perfect way to obtain more leads.

What to include in your lead capture form?

Usually, you ask your new leads for just their email. A lead capture page that demands too many information is overly complicated – poorly designed lead capture form is one of the primary reasons of post-click landing page friction. Ideally, on the user’s first engagement with your firm, your form should request little more than basic contact information.

Lead form

Remember to match this demand to the culture and personal preferences of your readers. Americans are for instance stereotypically friendly and willing to give out their full names to companies, but Europeans are typically warier – and they reflect it in the GDPR law. If you want to build a lead capture page that’s targeting also people from Europe, remember to include a privacy policy.

Lead capture pages are critical because they enable you to gather essential information about your consumers, which you can then nurture further down your marketing funnel. Thanks to your lead capture pages you can further develop your engagement with your target audience.

Lead capture page ideas

Your lead capture page should have a couple of useful components.

Attractive heading: Your attention-grabbing headline should be original and entice people to continue reading. The most effective method of doing this is to include your main message into your headline so that it fits your marketing campaign. Speak of benefits you can give, and how your offer differs from the competitions.

Lead form page

Add a specific call to action: Say something like „I want the free eBook“, and receive a free eBook… that’s how lead capture pages are supposed to work. Take care so that your CTA button is visible on the lead capture page and takes the reader to the main form.

Your lead capture page should also include relevant imagery or good-quality graphics. Include the celebrity headshot if you’re marketing a webinar or a series of YouTube videos. Are you marketing a free trial of a SaaS product? Include a photograph or animated gif of your product. A free trial can also show some ideas that portray the full capability of your product.

Add customer testimonials and other confirmation of quality. You can add awards, glowing recommendations and other proof that you’re experienced to your lead capture pages. If you have a few noteworthy customers, visitors will feel more secure when they join up.

Other lead capturing ideas

You can easily experiment with lead acquisition, using more than just lead capture pages for lead generation . A great idea is creating quizzes: Quizzes act as data collecting points for segmenting your consumer base for personalization. You can maintain a larger database including your customer preferences. Utilize gamification’s strength by creating an entertaining quiz that engages consumers, enabling you to entertain visitors while gathering leads. Social media quizzes are a great way to do this – each solved Facebook personality quiz means more leads for you…

Other ideas for lead capture

You can also use game-like surveys, enticing the customers with the possibility of winning something. You can ask the users about strong points, but also gather more information about them, and add that to your sales CRM.

Gamification is also a great way to take advantage of various holidays and dates, adding some seasonal content. For instance, you could have a free issue of your online magazine to celebrate the holidays, and place a link to your lead capture page inside this special issue – while you put a lead capture form inside your regular issues. Free trial, great graphics, seasonal campaigns – all of this can result in more web traffic and more qualified leads as a result.

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