
RS Playbook

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In our global dialogue on

climate change, clarity of

direction is paramount

Guest of Honor

Mr. Ratnesh Jha

Executive Director, UN Global Compact

Fortune Institute of International Business (FIIB)

honored Mr. Ratnesh Jha, Executive Director, UN

Global Compact, with the prestigious Leadership

in Sustainability Award in recognition of his

outstanding efforts to enhance the global collective

impact of businesses and exhibit exceptional

dedication and leadership in promoting the UN

Global Compact’s Ten Principles and Sustainable

Development Goals. This accolade celebrates

his steadfast commitment to catalysing positive

transformations within our communities.

He talked about the global discourse on climate

change and the need for a clear direction. Stressing

the importance of sustainability training, he

highlighted its role in shaping the students’ future


He quotes Nachiketa from the Upanishad, drawing a

parallel between “Preyas” (temporary desires) and

“Shreyas” (actions for the greater good). Emphasizing

the perpetual struggle between these two stages,

he aligns this with the lifestyle choices for the

environment, resonating with Hon’ble PM Modi’s


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