
RS Playbook

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“Nudging Forward: Embracing change and

transforming societies”

This year, we expanded our impact footprint

beyond sustainability to include social good. The

theme of the 13thResponsibility Summit is Nudge

Forward: Empowering Change, Transforming


The theme encapsulates the subtle yet

profound shifts necessary for societal progress.

It embodies the idea that small, deliberate

interventions can create significant momentum

toward positive change. At its core, this

theme advocates for the power of nudges—

gentle prompts or encouragements—to guide

individuals and communities towards better

choices and behaviors. Moreover, the concept of

nudging forward underscores the importance of

collective responsibility in shaping societies. It

emphasizes collaboration, empathy, and a shared

vision for a better future. Through education,

communication, and targeted interventions,

communities can be empowered to embrace

change and adapt to evolving challenges.

In essence, “Nudge Forward” is a call to

action—a reminder that progress is not solely

the result of grand gestures, but also the

accumulation of countless small nudges in the

right direction. By harnessing the power of these

nudges, we can collectively empower change and

transform societies for the better.

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