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Nudging Forward :

Embracing Change and  Transforming Societies

13th Responsibility


The 21st of February holds special significance for our

institution, marking the anniversary of its establishment

and celebrated with great enthusiasm as Founders

Day. This occasion is a poignant reminder of our

organization’s modest origins and honors the visionary

individual, Shri R K Shrivastava, whose dedication laid

the foundation.

Annually, on Founders Day, we conduct the

Responsibility Summit, symbolizing our pledge to make

positive contributions to the communities we aim to

serve. This summit serves as a clear expression of our

fundamental values, reiterating our dedication to social

responsibility, sustainability, and ethical conduct.


Responsibility Summit

“Nudging Forward: Embracing change and

transforming societies”

This year, we expanded our impact footprint

beyond sustainability to include social good. The

theme of the 13thResponsibility Summit is Nudge

Forward: Empowering Change, Transforming


The theme encapsulates the subtle yet

profound shifts necessary for societal progress.

It embodies the idea that small, deliberate

interventions can create significant momentum

toward positive change. At its core, this

theme advocates for the power of nudges—

gentle prompts or encouragements—to guide

individuals and communities towards better

choices and behaviors. Moreover, the concept of

nudging forward underscores the importance of

collective responsibility in shaping societies. It

emphasizes collaboration, empathy, and a shared

vision for a better future. Through education,

communication, and targeted interventions,

communities can be empowered to embrace

change and adapt to evolving challenges.

In essence, “Nudge Forward” is a call to

action—a reminder that progress is not solely

the result of grand gestures, but also the

accumulation of countless small nudges in the

right direction. By harnessing the power of these

nudges, we can collectively empower change and

transform societies for the better.

About the




Ms. Radhika Shrivastava highlighted

the inherent commitment to

sustainability at FIIB, emphasizing

its significance as a core

philosophy and actionable

agenda. She mentioned that the

21st of February holds special

significance as it commemorates

FIIB’s Founder’s Day, marking

three decades of our steadfast

dedication to excellence in

management education.

Ms. Radhika Shrivastava



Ms. Shrivastava unveiled the FIIB Sustainability Report,

breaking away from traditional physical publication

methods to embrace a digital format, aligning with

sustainability principles.

Last year, FIIB achieved a significant milestone with

the launch of the first version of the SDG Dashboard

in collaboration with the Haub School of Business.

This bespoke dashboard facilitated the reporting of

sustainable development practices and the monitoring

of business education transformation, covering a total of

150 activities across three countries.

Executive Director, FIIB

This year, FIIB is proud to unveil the SDG Dashboard showcasing the longitudinal impact of our

initiatives in the area of sustainability, featuring 197 new activities spanning six countries. This

upgraded iteration underscores FIIB’s unwavering dedication to monitoring and magnifying its

influence on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Increased Contributions: Notably, FIIB’s contributions have surged, with the addition of 59 new

research activities, 3 new teaching initiatives, 12 new partnerships, 33 new dialogues, and 7 new

organizational practices, reflecting a holistic approach towards sustainability.

FIIB integrates sustainability concepts and practices into 85% of its

courses, fostering responsible learning. Additionally, impactful Social

Internship Programs (SIPs) align with SDGs, with 25 partner Social

Service Organizations (SSOs) actively engaged.

Responsible Teaching

FIIB’s Role

Towards SDGs:

Faculty publications and doctoral research at FIIB align closely

with sustainability themes such as Environment and Sustainability,

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Organizational Behavior,

Innovation Management, Technology Adoption, Gender Empowerment,

and Entrepreneurship.

Responsible Research

Eminent speakers from around the globe, including Prof. Taya Cohen,

Prof. Victoria Clarke, Dr. Stefano Puntoni, Prof. Vijay Periera, and Padma

Shree Dr. Deepa Malik, have engaged in dialogues on sustainability and

ethics, with participation exceeding 5000 individuals.


Organizational Practices: FIIB’s focus on waste management, recycling,

energy efficiency, and partnerships has garnered recognition, including

being declared the “Inclusive Campus of India” and achieving a Gold

Band in the Mental Health and Wellness Rankings.

Collaborations with organizations such as RRM, IDEA, SETU, and

commontime further amplify FIIB’s impact, positioning it as a key player

in driving sustainable change.

Organizational Practices


FIIB Responsibility



“I pledge to embrace sustainability

in my personal and professional

life through conscious actions and

collaborations. In particular,

I will adopt sustainable habits and behaviours, minimize waste and consumption, and support

environmentally and socially responsible businesses and products.

I commit to fostering an environment where every individual is valued and respected,

regardless of background or identity.

I commit to be responsible towards the organizations that I affiliate with, the environment

and community at large.

With thus pledge that I make freely, and upon my honour, I strive to protect our planet’s

resources, promote equity, and create a brighter, more equitable tomorrow for generations

to come.”

students and faculty/staff

have signed the pledge



Mr. Arpit Sharma

COO at Skill Council for Green Jobs

“It’s clear that India holds a pivotal

role in achieving the objectives set

forth in COP26. There is a pressing

need for collective action to propel

us towards a greener future “

Emphasised the critical nexus between climate change and

sustainable skills development.

He underscored the necessity for infrastructure to support

India’s commitments and highlighted major announcements,

including renewable energy expansion, carbon emission

reduction, and the Green Hydrogen Mission 2030.

His insights highlighted the critical role of management

students in driving sustainable initiatives and addressing

global challenges, urging action towards a greener and more

sustainable future.

In our global dialogue on

climate change, clarity of

direction is paramount

Guest of Honor

Mr. Ratnesh Jha

Executive Director, UN Global Compact

Fortune Institute of International Business (FIIB)

honored Mr. Ratnesh Jha, Executive Director, UN

Global Compact, with the prestigious Leadership

in Sustainability Award in recognition of his

outstanding efforts to enhance the global collective

impact of businesses and exhibit exceptional

dedication and leadership in promoting the UN

Global Compact’s Ten Principles and Sustainable

Development Goals. This accolade celebrates

his steadfast commitment to catalysing positive

transformations within our communities.

He talked about the global discourse on climate

change and the need for a clear direction. Stressing

the importance of sustainability training, he

highlighted its role in shaping the students’ future


He quotes Nachiketa from the Upanishad, drawing a

parallel between “Preyas” (temporary desires) and

“Shreyas” (actions for the greater good). Emphasizing

the perpetual struggle between these two stages,

he aligns this with the lifestyle choices for the

environment, resonating with Hon’ble PM Modi’s




“Nudging for Good: Embracing

Responsibility and Amplifying

Social Impact”.

Effective nudges, rooted in

libertarian paternalism, offer

inclusive solutions for promoting

behavioral change.

“Nudges can subtly influence

stakeholders towards positive

actions, like encouraging

breastfeeding among husbands,

fostering a more supportive


Behavioral science in policy-making

introduces aspirational nudges,

driving societal change towards a

more sustainable future.

Ms. Divyani Diddi


Senior Choice Architect,

Behavioural Insights Architecture

& Strategy Pvt. Ltd.


Ms. Aditi A

Country Director, Girl Up, UN



Mr. Milan George Jacob

Communication Specialist,

Council on Energy,

Environment and Water

Ms. Aditi Arora stressed the nuanced approach

of nudges, distinct from coercion or monetary

rewards, exemplified by initiatives like reducing

home deliveries and promoting breastfeeding. She

emphasized inclusive targeting of stakeholders,

including husbands, and discussed Girl Up’s

interventions like art and quotes to foster

responsible behavior, advocating for collective

responsibility and systemic change.

Mr. Milan underscored the significance of

incorporating behavioral science in the

formulation of policies. He shared his practical

experience in encouraging auto-drivers in

Amritsar to transition to e-autos by employing

Punjabi jingles, hoardings, and test drives.

Additionally, he highlighted the crucial role of

individual accountability, proactive strategies, and

widespread initiatives in tackling issues such as

the energy gap and adapting to climate change.

Mr. Jacob referenced ongoing projects in cyclone-

prone regions and Maharashtra as examples of

efforts in this direction.

Ms Divyani Diddi, began by asking participants

to define “Nudge” and provide examples. They

then delved into the concept of responsibility,

questioning where the burden of action falls. She

urged the panel to think about whether change

should originate from individuals or groups.

The moderator also inquired about the biggest

challenges faced by participants, exploring both

successful and unsuccessful strategies.

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