
Annual Report 2023

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ICRISAT Annual Report 2023

ICRISAT Annual Report 2023


I am honored to present ICRISAT’s annual report showcasing

some notable developments made throughout 2023.

This year holds profound significance for ICRISAT as it

commemorates the International Year of Millets - a tribute

to the grain that embodies our proud 50-year legacy of

pioneering advancements in climate-resilient, nutritious and

productive dryland agriculture.

I wish to extend my appreciation to the Government of

India for its visionary advocacy in securing 2023 as the

United Nations Year for raising awareness on millets.

India’s efforts to elevate the prominence of this humble

grain on the global stage not only highlights the nation’s

leadership in agricultural innovation but also its role in driving

transformative changes in dryland agrifood systems.

These endeavours, of course, are not undertaken in isolation.

They reflect a collaborative spirit within the Global South,

with agro-innovations from across Africa surpassing what

could be achieved through efforts alone in Asia, highlighting

the power of cooperation.

This deeply inspires us at ICRISAT, as our work in the

development of dryland cereals and legumes and agri-

innovations, more broadly, transcends mere scientific

inquiry. We innovate to provide food and nutrition security

to the billions of people living in drylands. Here, millets and

legumes sustain lives and livelihoods, serving as a lifeline

in the battle against hunger and malnutrition. Notably,

these practical outcomes contribute to the Sustainable

Development Goals on multiple levels.

The year has also allowed us to demonstrate the power of our

own institutional partnerships in advocating for the global

community to focus on the importance of millet. Aside from

national governments, we have been honored to draw upon

our enduring partnership with the Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations and other bodies tasked

with promoting and mainstreaming millet to empower

smallholder farmers, foster sustainable development,

eradicate hunger, address climate change, support

biodiversity, and revolutionize agrifood systems.

Finally, ICRISAT’s Governing Board decision to join the

One CGIAR Unified Governance positions the Institute to

accelerate these goals. It is envisaged that this strategic

alignment will result in significant mutual benefits across the

entire research arena, and we look forward to extending our


On behalf of ICRISAT, I thank all our stakeholders, partners,

collaborators, and supporters for their steadfast commitment

to our mission. Collectively, we will continue to sow the seeds

of progress, ensuring a more just and sustainable future for

this generation and those to come.

The year 2023 marked a significant milestone for ICRISAT

on multiple fronts. The resolution passed by the Governing

Board, signaling our intention to join the One CGIAR

integrated partnership, followed by our subsequent

participation, solidifies our formal reintegration into the

CGIAR family.

We are encouraged that this partnership will empower

ICRISAT to further enrich its impactful contributions while

facilitating the exchange of expertise and resources with

the foremost alliance of agricultural research organizations


This step also underscores the importance of collaboration,

recognizing that the pervasive and complex challenges of

our time, notwithstanding climate change, new geo-political

posturing and other impacts — particularly affecting dryland

agriculture in the Global South — are best met through

unified efforts.

It epitomizes the strength of partnerships, a core principle

deeply ingrained within ICRISAT’s ethos. For the past

50 years, our achievements have been propelled by our

collaborative approach, working hand in hand with partners

to harness scientific research in tackling the formidable

challenges posed by dryland agriculture.

From the development of improved crop varieties in our

advanced laboratories to innovative landscape management

to the promotion of good public policy, our mission is defined

by individuals who steadfastly believe in the transformative

potential of equitable living standards, with nutrition and

food security at the forefront.

With this in mind, I join my fellow Board Members in

extending heartfelt congratulations to the Government of

India for its steadfast advocacy, culminating in the designation

of 2023 as the United Nations International Year of Millets.

This recognition serves as a global validation of the significant

nutritional and food security contributions of this grain.

Few organizations in the sphere of global agricultural

innovation have wielded as profound an influence on millet

development and advocacy as ICRISAT. As such I also extend

my sincere gratitude to its leadership and staff for their

pivotal role, alongside the FAO and other valued partners,

in the successful execution of this Year. It serves as a timely

reminder and celebration of our collective impact in the

drylands of Africa, Asia, and beyond.

In conclusion, I am reminded that the select achievements

presented in this report are made possible by the

generous contributions of our stakeholders, partners, and

collaborators. In the spirit of collaboration and shared

purpose, I extend my deepest gratitude to you, for your

invaluable support and unwavering commitment to our vision

of a better future for the drylands and those who call it home.

Message from the Director General

Message from the Governing Board Chair

Dr Jacqueline Hughes

Director General, ICRISAT

Prof. Prabhu Pingali

Chair, ICRISAT Governing Board

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