
Forum Views - June 2024

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Dr. Vispi Rusi Bhathena, PhD (h.c.)

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. V. Aditya Srinivas

Chief Operating Officer

and Chief Economist

India’s Economic Landscape: Navigating Reform and Growth

As the anticipation builds around impending election results, India finds itself at a pivotal moment of economic

transformation. The nation, often hailed as a torchbearer for the global economy, is on the brink of

implementing significant reforms poised to reshape its economic trajectory.

Anticipated Economic Reforms: With the ball set for the election results, India braces itself for a wave of

transformational reforms. These reforms carry the weight of lofty aspirations, aiming to propel India towards

the ambitious goal of a $10 trillion economy. Such reforms, if realized, hold the promise of positioning India as

a formidable force in the global economic arena.




Historical GDP Performance: Reflecting on the past two decades unveils a remarkable feat for India’s

economy. With GDP growth consistently outpacing the world average, ranging between 7% to 7.5%, India has

etched its name as a stalwart of economic resilience and dynamism. This sustained growth trajectory has not

only bolstered India's domestic prospects but has also earned it accolades as a beacon of hope amidst global

economic uncertainties.

Robust Macro-economic Indicators: Key macro-economic indicators, such as GST collections, serve as

testament to the robustness of India's economy. Surpassing the Rs. 1.5 lakh crore mark consistently, these

indicators underscore India's inherent strength in demand and consumption patterns. Despite grappling with

global headwinds, India stands resilient, showcasing its ability to weather storms and emerge stronger.

Global Risks and Inflation Concerns: However, lurking amidst the glimmers of economic success are

persistent global risks, chief among them being inflation woes. The aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic,

coupled with disruptions from events like the Russia-Ukraine war, has intensified inflationary pressures

worldwide. Such challenges threaten to impede crucial interest rate cuts necessary for fostering stable global

growth, casting shadows of uncertainty over the economic landscape.

Interest Rate Dynamics: Against the backdrop of surging interest rates in the US and UK, India stands at a

critical juncture. While the US and UK witness multi-decade highs in interest rates, India's Repo Rate hovers

close to its terminal level at 6.5%. This juxtaposition hints at the potential initiation of a downward cycle in

interest rates, laying the groundwork for sustained economic growth.

Investment Outlook: Amidst the flux of global uncertainties, India emerges as a beacon of opportunity for

investors worldwide. With major global investors eyeing India as a prime destination for investments,

overlooking its potential translates to missing out on one of the most significant economic opportunities of our

time. India's allure lies not just in its present economic prowess but also in its potential to shape the future

trajectory of global economic growth.

In conclusion, as India stands on the cusp of economic reform and growth, the world watches with bated

breath. The journey ahead may be fraught with challenges, yet it is also ripe with immense possibilities. For

India, the path forward beckons with promises of prosperity and the potential to leave an indelible mark on the

global economic landscape.

FORUM VIEWS, JUNE 2024 edition


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