
Responsibility Submit_2024

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FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24

To Advance the Practice of Management, and Develop Leader

Managers of Business and Social Relevance

Responsible Thought Leadership

Taking Inspiration From FIIB’s Mission

Goal 1

Promote Excellence in Teaching

Goal 2

Promote Excellence in Research

Goal 3

Promote Excellence in Stewardship

The Centre aims at contributing and facilitating organizations to strengthen their practices towards ethical and

sustainable development. We intend to support the organisations in advancing their practices of responsible

management while becoming socially relevant. It aims to support responsible management research and practices by

providing an up-to- date compendium of responsible management learning.

Centre for Responsible Management

Ensure inclusive and

equitable quality

education and promote

lifelong learning

opportunities for all

Achieve gender

equality and

empower all

women and girls

Promote sustained,

inclusive and sustainable

economic growth, full and

productive employment

and decent work for all

Build resilient

infrastructure, promote

inclusive and sustainable

industrialization, and

foster innovation.

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