
Responsibility Submit_2024

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AY - 2023-24

A Message

for our Leadership Team

Ms. Radhika Shristava

Executive Director, FIIB

Dr. Kokil Jain

Dean - Research & Outreach

Dr. Kshamta Chauhan

Dean - Academic

Dear Colleagues,

As we delve into our B-school’s responsibility report, we embark on a journey of reflection and celebration. Our commitment to sustainability and social impact has never been stronger,

and it’s with great pride that we share our progress with you today.

Using the Haub Business School dashboard, we’ve organized our impact assessment, ensuring transparency and clarity in our endeavors across the spectrum of Teaching, Research,

Dialogues, Partnerships, and Organizational Practices. And I am happy to report that our efforts shine brightly.

Let’s start with Teaching, where we’ve refreshed our coursework in the Postgraduate taught components to deepen focus on Ethical Decision Making, Social Consciousness, Responsible

Thinking, and Embedding Sustainability concepts. This has resulted in 85% of the courses integrated with these concepts & practices. In our doctoral programs too we are Promoting

Ethical Reflections, and Encouraging Responsible Authorship and Publication Practices. Our signature Social Internship Program has expanded to forging impactful partnerships with 25

Social Sector Organizations for 836 projects completed. This year we are making an additional commitment to measure impact for each individual project. The energy that our students

have invested into this experiential program gives us tremendous hope for instilling a lifelong service mindset in our students.

In Research, we’ve witnessed high growth, with 144 activities (from earlier reported 85) spanning diverse themes - From Environment and Sustainability to Corporate Social Responsibility,

Innovation Management, and Gender Empowerment, our faculty and scholars are at the forefront of driving meaningful change. But it’s not just about the work within our walls. Through

our commitment to foster meaningful dialogues, we’ve doubled our engagement to 65 sessions globally, bringing together renowned researchers from around the world to inspire and

challenge our thinking. These include renowned thought leaders such as - Prof. Taya Cohen, Tepper School of Business (Carnegie Mellon University, USA); Prof. Victoria Clarke (University

of the West of England, UK); Dr. Stefano Puntoni (Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA); Prof Vijay Pereira (Neoma Business School, France); with 5000+ participants

engaged through these talks.

Our Organizational Practices have also seen significant strides, earning us accolades like the Gold Band in Mental Health and Wellness Rankings and receiving the Inclusive Campus of

India status by the Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion. Mindfully managing our campus footprint through the waste management, recycling and energy efficiency initiatives is

a further testament to our commitment to not only nurturing talent but also creating a supportive and inclusive work environment. Partnerships, too, have flourished during this year, with

21 alliances formed with organizations like PRME, IDEA, CommonTime, and SETU. Together, we’re stronger, united in our pursuit of a better world.

And finally, the numbers speak for themselves. Our commitment to UN SDGs has led to an increase from 150 to 248 activities, underscoring our dedication to making a meaningful impact,

especially in UN SDG #4 (quality education), #5 (gender equality), #8 (decent work and economic growth) and #9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure).

So as we navigate through this report, we celebrate our achievements, but also recognize that our work is far from done. As a community we will continue to push boundaries, challenge

norms, and strive for a more sustainable and socially responsible future.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and support.







FIIB Thought Leadership

Responsible Teaching

Responsible Research


Organisational Practices


04 - 07

08 - 19

20 - 25

26 - 41

42 - 45

46 - 49

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24

To Advance the Practice of Management, and Develop Leader

Managers of Business and Social Relevance

Responsible Thought Leadership

Taking Inspiration From FIIB’s Mission

Goal 1

Promote Excellence in Teaching

Goal 2

Promote Excellence in Research

Goal 3

Promote Excellence in Stewardship

The Centre aims at contributing and facilitating organizations to strengthen their practices towards ethical and

sustainable development. We intend to support the organisations in advancing their practices of responsible

management while becoming socially relevant. It aims to support responsible management research and practices by

providing an up-to- date compendium of responsible management learning.

Centre for Responsible Management

Ensure inclusive and

equitable quality

education and promote

lifelong learning

opportunities for all

Achieve gender

equality and

empower all

women and girls

Promote sustained,

inclusive and sustainable

economic growth, full and

productive employment

and decent work for all

Build resilient

infrastructure, promote

inclusive and sustainable

industrialization, and

foster innovation.

FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24



We transform our teaching by Integrating responsible management in education by

embedding ethics, sustainability, and social consciousness into curriculum and pedagogy.



We study people, organizations, institutions, and the state of the world to inspire responsible

management and education practice.


Through active participation in outreach initiatives, we seek to exchange knowledge, share

best practices, and collaborate on solutions to global challenges. By facilitating open and

transparent dialogue, we aim to inspire action and drive positive change towards a more

responsible and sustainable future in management education and practice.



We uphold principles of responsible and accountable management in our governance

structures and day-to-day operations.


We engage with stakeholders from business, government, civil society, and academia to

promote responsible and accountable management education and practice.

FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24

FIIB SDG in Collaboration

with Haub School of


Last year, we reached a significant milestone by unveiling our first version of the SDG

Dashboard in collaboration with the Haub School of Business. A total of 150 activities were

reported across 11 SDGs, with coverage extending to three countries. Alongside thirty other

universities spanning fourteen countries, including Brazil, Germany, Finland, and the United

States, the FIIB utilized this bespoke dashboard to report its sustainable development

practices and monitor the transformation of business education. FIIB proudly stood as the

4th Indian B School to implement its SDG Dashboard, contributing to the network of 31

Global SDG Dashboards.

This year, we’re thrilled to unveil an enhanced version of our SDG Dashboard, enriched with

the inclusion of 197 new activities with coverage extending to six countries. This upgraded

iteration underscores our institute’s unwavering dedication to monitoring and magnifying

our influence on the Sustainable Development Goals. Notably, our contributions have

surged, with the addition of 59 new research activities, 3 new teaching initiatives, 12 new

partnerships, 33 new dialogues, and 7 new organisational practices.




Reported till 2022

Activities reported till





Reported till 2022

Activities reported till





Reported till 2022

Activities reported till




Organisational Practices

Reported till 2022

Activities reported till





Reported till 2022

Activities reported till




Activities under UNSDGs

Activities in 2022

Activities in 2023-24

FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24

FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24

73 Activities

Contributions under SDG 4



Major Impact Areas

Minor Impact Areas

Research Talks by Professor Vijay


Supervisor Development Workshop

FIIB Research Conference (FRC)

FIIB-Emerald Series

FIIB Summer School




Social Internship Program (SIP)

Academic Partnership with UN Global


Dialogue 37

Research 14

Teaching 10

Partnership 7

Organisational Practices 5

13 Activities

Contributions under SDG 5



Major Impact Areas

Minor Impact Areas

Research Talk on Measuring Diversity

and Inclusion

FIIB-Emerald Series

FIIB Research Conference (FRC)

Purple Bharat Utsav


EDP on Diversity Equity Inclusion and



12th Resposibility Summit 2023

Social Internship Program (SIP)

Academic Partnership with UN Global


Dialogue 8

Partnership 3

Teaching 2

Research 0

Organisational Practices 0

78 Activities

Contributions under SDG 8



Major Impact Areas

Minor Impact Areas


Behavioural Insights Research


Purple Bharat Utsav



Supervisor Development Workshop

12th Resposibility Summit 2023


Social Internship Program (SIP)

Academic Partnership with UN Global


Research 49

Dialogue 16

Teaching 3

Partnership 8

Organisational Practices 2

56 Activities

Contributions under SDG 9



Major Impact Areas

Minor Impact Areas

Neurofeedback and its Utilization in

Teaching and Research

Research talk on Offshoring,

Automation, and the Legitimacy of


FIIB Summer School

Webinar on Python

Social Internship Program (SIP)

Academic Partnership with UN Global


Research 50

Dialogue 4

Teaching 1

Partnership 1

Organisational Practices 0


FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24



We transform our teaching by Integrating responsible management in education by

embedding ethics, sustainability, and social consciousness into curriculum and pedagogy.


FIIB Responsibility Summit 2023-24

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