Strategic Plan
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ICRISAT Strategic Plan 2021-2025
ICRISAT Strategic Plan 2021-2025
and partnering opportunities. Our intention is to work
through partnerships to achieve targets that we will
meet by 2025, as described below.
South-South collaboration
ICRISAT will be a catalyst for forging this collaboration.
Target: 30% of projects will include a South-South
collaborative component, ensuring knowledge
sharing and engagement between Asia and Africa.
Private industry partnerships
Our partnerships with the private sector will
range from strengthening our incubators (for
agribusinesses (see in Private industry partnerships)
and digital agri-entrepreneurs), corporate social
responsibility programs, research consortia and
new ways to engage with private industry on high-
end science to digital and downstream applications
ensuring uptake and sustainability of solutions.
Target: 30% increase in private sector engagement;
and 50% increase in corporate social responsibility
Collaboration with CGIAR centers
CGIAR centers will be one of our points of contact when
additional expertise is needed for project delivery.
Target: Up to a quarter of our projects are
undertaken in collaboration with CGIAR centers.
Women and youth
Diversity, equity and empowerment will be key
drivers of our partnerships. Women and youth
will be further included in our partnerships, from
program participants, stakeholders, researchers
and engagement of ambassadors to other advocacy
activities such as webinars and briefings.
Target: At least half of our partners will be women
and 30% of the partnerships will engage youth in
programs and activities.
Development agencies, international and local
non-governmental organizations:
These organizations will help ICRISAT strengthen
uptake and impact and will convert potential
competitors in some of our areas into partners.
Target: 40% increase in involvement with
development agencies.
United Nations organizations, senior government
officials and global thought leaders and
We will work closely with these partners,
and additionally with Development Banks,
philanthropists, high net-worth individuals, in-
country government representatives and others to
amplify our messages and influence high level policy.
Target: 40% more major new initiatives undertaken.
Country Engagement
Our engagement with our country partners and
stakeholders will be with improved internal
coordination, collaboration, efficiency, and we will
present a united face to stakeholders and partners.
We will strengthen our interactions with national
research partners to identify common priorities as the
basis for developing joint activities and workplans.
There are opportunities for ICRISAT to drive research
on food systems, particularly in the drylands which
comprise a significant 72%, of the land area
of developing countries. In the current setting,
ICRISAT’s ability to deploy technologies and influence
agricultural development in some dryland areas
has been limited as we are not physically present in
all countries. Our renewed engagement model will
includee strategies at the national level driven by
agro-ecological targets and national research priorities
which will allow us to contribute to the national
strategies through technologies and visionary thinking.
Building on the leadership role that ICRISAT has
created in India, we will take the lead in consultations
with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) to co-create a framework of action. We already
coordinate a database of activities and resources in
the country with a State-level breakdown that provides
practical support to our stakeholders for project plans
and activities. Building on this, we will leverage our
strengths and look for opportunities around specific
programs and projects that align with the priorities
of the Government and donors, and with our global
research agenda. Joint collaborative proposals on
a larger scale will not only reduce the transaction
costs, but also have significant positive impacts, as
research outputs will be synergized in multidisciplinary
agricultural production systems.
Co-creation with our partners and stakeholders in
multi-disciplinary agricultural production systems
will provide an opportunity to integrate ICRISAT’s
focus crops (sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet,
small millets, pigeonpea, groundnut and chickpea)
more widely in other crop-based production systems,
thus improving crop and dietary diversification, and in
turn minimizing risk and improving nutrition.
Aligning with regional and national agricultural
priorities will give legitimacy and help to leverage
investments from global donors and investors, as well
as from in-country or regional sources, as there will
be support for investments that meet national needs,
aligned with meeting the Sustainable Development
Goal targets. We will deliver dryland system crop
varieties, improved production systems, resilient
value chains/webs and minimize environmental
impact, at scale and with reduced cost.
Business Development and Resource
Marketing our mission
The needs of, and opportunities in, the drylands
must be recognized. These tough environments
require investment to be able to achieve their
Sustainable Development Goal targets.
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