
100 Worst Foods for Diabetes

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The Glycemic Index uses pure glucose (or in some cases, white bread) as its control

food and rates all other carbohydrates in relation to it. The control food or standard,

either the glucose or the white bread, is given a rating of “100” and all other foods are

tested as to how they affect a person’s blood sugar, insulin and lipid levels compared

to the standard.

Each tested food is given a number rating and de�ned as either “High”, “Medium” or

“Low” on the Glycemic Index. Foods fall into the High Glycemic Index when they are

rated at 70 or above. If the Glycemic Index for a food is at 55 or lower, it is consideredto

be a Low Glycemic Index food item. This means that Medium Glycemic Index foods are

those that after being tested, fall into the range of 56 to 69.

Basically, as food breaks down in our digestive system, many of the food’s

components, like sugar or vitamins and minerals are absorbed into our blood stream

and immediately affect our system. Foods that break down quickly and have high

glucose or sugar levels will give us a “spiked” feeling of energy and euphoria. This

feeling is commonly referred to as a “sugar high”. Other foods break down more slowly

and release their sugars, starches and nutrients over a longer period of time, which

avoids any sudden increases to our sugar levels and keeps our insulin levels low.

The Glycemic Index is a rating system for foods where any type of carbohydrate has a

numerical value assigned to it based on its components and how each food affects

the body’s sugar levels.

Glycemic Index

This book features 100 High Glycemic Index foods, that can drastically increase your

blood sugar levels, if you consumed as part of daily diet, especially if you have diabetes.

White rice

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