
Built to Win

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Video games- an Olympic


Europe Unites in Navigating

the Migration Crisis

The Rise and Fall of


Taylor Swift - the woman,

the myth and the legend

Youth Unleashed: Our

interview with Tangent

Upcoming Events

All pictures are used for non-profit, educational purposes and belong to their rightful owners

Youth Unleashed: On women’s

sports and “Girls vs. Boys”

A Note From the

A Note From the



Introducing the fifth edition of our

magazine, Built to Win, and also

our first Youth Unleashed segment

featuring Tangent! We wanted to

use our platform to share the

stories of ambitious, motivated

young people who seek to bring

their passion to the world! After

all, that is how the Loop Magazine

began as well. We hope that these

stories will inspire you to take on

what you feel called to do with

courage and hope! Stay tuned for

more from us and enjoy reading

this edition!


Europe Unites in Navigating

the Migration Crisis

Europe Unites in Navigating

the Migration Crisis

The Malta Summit brought together leaders from across the

EU to address the serious concerns about the migratory

situation in the Mediterranean and to devise plans to stop

illegal migration and improve the treatment of asylum

seekers. The summit, which was held in October 2023, has

brought attention to the necessity for more aggressive EU

action to successfully control immigration and connect this

problem to the larger global migrant situation in Europe.

The EU has taken strong action in response to the influx of

migrants in recent years driven by concerns over security,

social integration and political pressures, as well as debates

on how to balance humanitarian values with domestic

concerns, especially in the face of the 2015 refugee crisis,

which strained resources and political unity among EU

member states. This later resulted in the EU-Turkey deal,








Mediterranean, resulting in a significant reduction in arrivals

to Greece .

However, this has not stopped the inflow of migrants who

are desperate to escape conflicts, religious and ethnic

discrimination and lack of economic opportunity. Many

view seeking a better and more fulfilling life in Europe as

their only hope. Nevertheless, the journey often ends in

tragedy. The UN reports that more than 2,500 migrants

have died or vanished while crossing the Mediterranean

Sea so far this year, prompting the Malta Summit.

Nine Mediterranean and southern European politicians and

leaders, including Emmnauel Macron of France and Giorgia

Meloni of Italy were in attendance. One solution that arose

from the summit was strengthening border security

through more patrolling and cooperation with transit

countries such as Libya and Turkey, in order to abolish illegal

migration and human trafficking rings. Additionally, it is

essential to improve search and rescue operations in the

Mediterranean as well as improve asylum processes to

protect individuals who are in dire need of support. Most

importantly, the Summit recognised that the need to address

the root cause of migration was imperative and reaffirmed

the need for increased humanitarian aid to countries

which are facing economic stability.

While most have responded fairly well to the solutions

devised by the EU in safeguarding migrant refugees,

debates have risen on finding the right balance between

border security and human rights, predominantly the right to

seek asylum and protection from harm , which are enshrined

in various international agreements.

Even while the summit's main focus was on the problems in

the southern Mediterranean, it is crucial to remember that

migration is a complicated, intertwined subject that calls

for a concerted effort on both EU and international

levels. The request for greater EU action demanded at the

Malta Summit to address the Mediterranean migration

situation is a positive start for a more comprehensive global

approach on migration.

The Evergrande Group, once a representation of China's real

estate boom, is now seen as a sign of an impending housing

catastrophe that is shaking the country's real estate

industry. Chinese property purchasers are in a hazardous

position as the financial giant teeters on the verge of


Evergrande was one of the most valuable real estate firms

in the world but behind the facade of glamour, Evergrande

borrowed enormous sums to fund its ambitious initiatives,

which led to the company amassing a massive debt

mountain believed to be worth over $300 billion.

The growing severity of these underlying problems

culminated in a crackdown by the Chinese government on

excessive borrowing and tougher controls on the real estate

sector, forcing the business to attempt to pay off its debt

and causing protests among home buyers seeking refunds.

Numerous Chinese house purchasers are uneasy and unsure

as a result of the Evergrande disaster.


The Rise and Fall of

Evergrande :

The Rise and Fall of

Evergrande :

In an effort to provide a better future for their children,









Evergrande's projects but because of the company's

financial difficulties, many of these projects' construction

has halted, placing purchasers in a bind. Many face the

bleak possibility of losing their investments or being

confined in unfinished and uninhabitable apartments as a

result of Evergrande's incapacity to finish these complexes.

But what is causing the housing crisis in China?

Firms and citizens alike, have long seen real estate in China

as a safe, profitable investment and as a store of value.

But this has resulted in homeownership becoming more and

more out of reach for regular people as a result of the

speculative frenzy that has driven up property prices to

unsustainable heights in many cities. Government policies

and incentives have also played a role in fueling this

speculation. Chinese local governments mainly rely on land

sales and property taxes for revenue and thus have a

stake in preserving high property values, which

frequently results in insufficient regulation and control of the

real estate industry. As a result, property prices in many

Chinese cities have surged.

All of these factors have led to one symbolic effect of the

housing crisis - China’s "ghost cities." These are huge

urban sprawls with few occupants. The government's lax

controls have led to consumers buying apartments that

serve as secondary or tertiary residences as a store of

value with no intention of ever moving in. However,

combined with limited supply in desirable locations, this in

turn has led to escalating property prices, making these

houses out of budget for the average Chinese citizen.

Consequently, there are an estimated 64 million empty

apartments in China and entire cities populated with only a

handful of residents. This oversupply impacts the real estate

market's stability and the financial health of developers,

who have the tendency to abandon projects midway

when they realise that actual demand is insufficient and

leave residents to live in incomplete housing.

The Chinese government has taken a number of steps to

address the housing crisis and stabilise the market after

seeing how urgent it is to handle the crisis, including:

implementing stricter mortgage lending policies to limit

speculative property purchases, piloting property taxes in

select cities to deter speculative investment and encourage

long-term homeownership, encouraging local governments

to increase the supply of land for residential development to

meet the demand for affordable housing and introducing

tighter regulations on property developers' financing

activities to prevent excessive borrowing and risky


The Evergrande crisis serves as a jarring reminder of the

difficulties China's housing industry is now experiencing.

While the larger housing crisis exposes structural problems

that require vital change, anxious Chinese homeowners are

struggling with the uncertainty of their investments. The

situation of Evergrande's house purchasers highlights the

need for more transparency, regulation, and affordable

pricing in the country's real estate market as the Chinese

government strives to balance the market and prevent a

wider financial disaster.

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