
Built to Win

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In an effort to provide a better future for their children,









Evergrande's projects but because of the company's

financial difficulties, many of these projects' construction

has halted, placing purchasers in a bind. Many face the

bleak possibility of losing their investments or being

confined in unfinished and uninhabitable apartments as a

result of Evergrande's incapacity to finish these complexes.

But what is causing the housing crisis in China?

Firms and citizens alike, have long seen real estate in China

as a safe, profitable investment and as a store of value.

But this has resulted in homeownership becoming more and

more out of reach for regular people as a result of the

speculative frenzy that has driven up property prices to

unsustainable heights in many cities. Government policies

and incentives have also played a role in fueling this

speculation. Chinese local governments mainly rely on land

sales and property taxes for revenue and thus have a

stake in preserving high property values, which

frequently results in insufficient regulation and control of the

real estate industry. As a result, property prices in many

Chinese cities have surged.

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