
Ashoka Reflections_SEPTEMBER 2023

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Ashoka Reflections | Page 09

This issue of Ashoka Reflections has pieces by faculty colleagues, Kanika Mahajan and S.K. Ritadhi, our new

Director Abhay Gupta, our editor, Akshi Chawla (the creator of the fabulous Women and Work newsletter,

which you should immediately sign up for in case you have not done that already) and Tanish Bafna, who

worked with us during his ASP year as a student intern. These pieces go into specific details of our ongoing

work. Read their pieces, engage with our work, and spread the good word. I am grateful to everyone who has

believed in us and supported us over the last three years. I look forward to more active engagement from the

readers of Ashoka Reflections.

The CEDA Data Portal

Chart 4 summarises the first two years of the data portal. This is work-in-progress and as the other articles by

the CEDA team highlight, the data portal has gone beyond this summary.

Chart 4

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