
The Management Accountant - July 2024

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असतोमा स�गमय

तमसोमा ज्यो�तर ् गमय

मत्योमार्मतं गमय

ॐ शािन्त शािन्त शािन्तः

From ignorance, lead me to truth

From darkness, lead me to light

From death, lead me to immortality

Peace, Peace, Peace


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The Management Accountant, official organ of The Institute of

Cost Accountants of India, established in 1944 (founder member of


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12, Sudder Street, P. S. New Market, Dist: Kolkata, West Bengal - 700 016.

Editor – CMA Sucharita Chakraborty on behalf of The Institute of Cost

Accountants of India, 12, Sudder Street, P. S. New Market, Dist: Kolkata,

West Bengal - 700 016.

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The Management Accountant technical data

Periodicity : Monthly

Language : English

Overall Size: - 26.5 cm x 19.6 cm


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The Management Accountant Journal is Indexed and Listed at:

Ÿ Index Copernicus and J-gate

Ÿ Global Impact and Quality factor (2015):0.563

We have expanded our Readership from 1 to 94 Countries

Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh,

Belgium, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Bulgaria,

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July 2024 - The Management Accountant


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