
SLI August 2024

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Volume IX n Issue 1 n August 2024

(94 pages including 6 for cover)


Santosh Pathak


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From the

Editor’s Desk


Dear Readers,

Greetings from SecurityLinkIndia!

Cybercrime is on incessant rise, and maneuvers to rein in its command are deemed as arduous tasks. It’s

not that efforts are not being made, or we don’t have advanced and apt technologies to contain it, or there

is any deficiency of ample laws. We deficit majorly at two points – first, the execution of both technology and

laws is lackluster, and second we fall short of apposite knowledge and awareness about the technologies and

laws, and working thereof. We largely make use of cyber tools unplanned and haphazard.

As Police and Public Order are State subjects hence States/ UTs are primarily responsible for the

prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of crimes including cyberfraud through their Law

Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). The Central Government supplements their initiatives through advisories and

financial assistance under various schemes for capacity building of their LEAs.

The Government of India has taken various steps for spreading awareness about cybercrimes, issuance of

alerts/ advisories, capacity building/ training of law enforcement personnel/ prosecutors/ judicial ofÏcers,

improving cyber forensic facilities etc. This has been aimed to strengthen the mechanism to deal with

cybercrimes in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. It has set up the ‘Indian Cyber Crime Coordination

Centre’ (I4C) as an associated ofÏce to deal with all types of cybercrime in the country.

Further, a ‘National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal’ (https://cybercrime.gov.in) has been launched, as a

part of the I4C, to enable public to report incidents pertaining to all types of cybercrimes, with special focus

on cybercrimes against women and children. Moreover, a special ‘Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting

and Management System,’ under I4C, was also launched specifically for immediate reporting of financial

frauds and to stop siphoning off funds by the fraudsters. As well, a toll-free Helpline number ‘1930’ has been

operationalized to provide assistance in lodging online cyber complaints.

Besides, the Government has also opened Sanchar Saathi portal (www.sancharsaathi.gov.in) to empower

mobile subscribers, strengthen their security and increase awareness about citizen centric initiatives of the

Government. The portal inter-alia, provides, facilities to citizens to report suspected fraud communications. It

also helps in knowing the mobile connections issued in their name and reporting the mobile connections for

disconnection which are either not required or not taken by them. It is also to report the stolen/ lost mobile

handset for blocking and tracking. It is also to report the incoming international calls received with Indian

telephone number as calling line identification.

To spread awareness on cybercrime, the Central Government has taken steps which inter-alia, include –

dissemination of messages through SMS, I4C social media account i.e., X (formerly Twitter) (@CyberDost),

Facebook(CyberDostI4C), Instagram (cyberDostI4C), Telegram(cyberdosti4c), Radio campaign; engaged

MyGov.in for publicity in multiple mediums, organizing Cyber Safety and Security Awareness weeks in

association with States/ UTs, publishing of handbook for adolescents/ students etc. The States/ UTs have also

been requested to carry out publicity to create mass awareness.

Till we meet next month, stay safe & happy reading!

With warm regards,

Santosh Pathak

Mob: +91 9968172237

8 SecurityLinkIndia | August 2024 | www.securitylinkindia.com

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