
Apollo ProHealth For You Corporate brochure Web copy

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In today's fast-paced life, staying healthy is a challenge, and

health has a new enemy called NCDs or Non-communicable


The tsunami of NCDs is threatening to overwhelm the world

and poor work-life balance is advancing the probability of

incidences among the corporate workforce, thereby

hampering productivity.

Scientists estimate the value of one human body to be 6

trillion dollars. That is how priceless human life is. Hence, our

focus is on preventing the occurrence of NCDs, a smarter

approach compared to just curing them.

The organisation plays a major role in restoring the health of

the workforce, by adopting preventive and individualised

healthcare management models. Let's together declare war

on NCDs and ensure the health and happiness of our people

and our organisations.

Dr. Prathap C Reddy

Founder & Chairman, Apollo Hospitals

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