
Beyond High School - October Edition

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In recent years, online education has undergone a remarkable transformation.

The surge of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has opened the door to an extensive

range of learning opportunities for learners of all ages. Now, online courses spanning

computer science to art history, and business to biology, are available at our fingertips.

While MOOCs have certainly opened up new possibilities for learning, recent research

suggests that students crave a deeper level of involvement in online classes. Have you ever

felt like in an online classroom, all you were asked to do was show up and complete

assignments? Have you felt like you want to invest more – emotionally, behaviourally, and

cognitively – to make your education more meaningful and interactive? If so, you are not


For years, researchers have shown that engaging students effectively plays a large role in

predicting learning outcomes and positive learning experiences. And in online courses, this

has proved challenging. While many of us enjoy quizzes, simulations, and gamified

elements in online courses, studies have shown that the absence of face-to-face

interaction can lead to feelings of isolation, disconnection, and a lack of accountability

among students.

But here is some good news. Researchers have begun to explore ways to engage students

better, and they have found that creating supportive and intimate learning environments

is particularly important.



Beyond High School | Page 3


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