
Beyond High School - March Edition [Final]

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Beyond High School | Page 9


The story of recovery is not just an individual’s journey - as academics from all over the

world gather at Babel, for their various passions - they face a larger consequence that

their translations are set to produce. Britain was at the peak of its Colonial Empire

during the 1800s and these translations could help aid the British colonial agendas.

These young translators are now conflicted between choosing an overall social good by

refusing to perform any translations or choosing a fairly comfortable career in

academia for themselves by keeping up with the tradition of translation at Babel.

What is the choice these young academics make? What are their compelling reasons to

choose either? Discover the answers to these questions as you flip through Babel. While

you are at it, it is reasonable to stop and wonder about your position as well. What

impact is your career ambition generating today?


Ever wondered how your ambitions today may have the possibility of generating

an impact on thousands tomorrow? Let’s learn from examples as we flip through our

book recommendation for the month - Babel, by R. F. Kuang.

Set in the nineteenth century English town of Oxford, Babel takes one to contemplate the

question of language, individuality, and community. As the world crumbles into chaos,

linguists of diverse languages assemble at the tower of knowledge - Babel. It is a magico-

fantasy fiction that focuses on what is lost in translation. The plot, then, is about what can

be recovered.

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