
100 Superfoods for Diabetes

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100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 11

It’s a rich source of vitamin K and vitamin C. It also has a high �ber content which

can help reduce diabetes.

GI value - 15


100 Best Foods for Diabetes with their Glycemic Index (GI)


100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 12

GI value – 32

These seeds are rich in �ber and have a shallow glycemic index. They also have a

high content of omega-three fatty acids, which is very advantageous for heart


Flax seeds

100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 13

GI value – 1

It contains massive nutrients with meager calories. Bene�cial for people with

diabetes as it sustains hunger.

Chia seeds

100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 14

GI value – 15

These lush green leaves are an ideal source of vitamin A and have low calories. It also

has rich calcium and potassium content.


100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 15

GI value – 16

Carrots are must-take ingredients for vitamin A and �ber. Promotes radiance in the

skin and solves eyesight problems if taken consistently.


100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 16

GI value – below 15

An ideal source of protein. It helps you balance out the energy cravings. The vitamin

B2 present in it has excellent goodness.


100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 17

GI value - 15

It has the highest dietary �ber content and is very good for people with diabetes as it

has a low sugar level. It is also rich in vitamin C.


100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 18

GI value - 15

These nuts are low in carbohydrates and rich in protein. Walnuts also help to improve

insulin resistance.


100 Superfoods for Diabetes

Page 19

GI value – zero

Almonds are an excellent source of iron, zinc, vitamin B, and E. It also has high

protein content and helps prevent diabetes.


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